Ch.14 : First performance

Start from the beginning

"I completely forgot about that. Hmm so when are they playing there?" - I muttered and took the ticket, and was a little shocked as I remembered again what I had forgotten.

"Today. They are playing today." - I sighed and put the ticket in my pocket. Do I really have to go? 

Well, I promised them anyway...Oh, if I go now, I'll make it in time.

"Okay then I'll go." - I shrugged and turned off the computer. But before I left the room, I took another look out the window. I had a strange feeling.

"Well, my intuition does not fail me, so I still take an umbrella just in case." - After these words, I left my room.Having dressed and going to the door, I took an umbrella and was ready to go out.

"Where are you going?" - Hearing my mother's voice, I turned to her to see her looking at me curiously.

"I'm going outside, my friends are performing today." - I see no reason to lie here, so I answered honestly.But after that she looked at me with incomprehension.

"Is your band performing today? If so, why don't you take your guitar with you?" - She asked a very good question here, she knows we don't perform in public.

"No, these are friends from another band, I promised them to come today somehow." - Shaking my head, I replied, after which my mother's face softened a little.But I saw a hint of a smirk, what is she thinking? But almost immediately she answered me, as if reading my mind.

"These friends you're talking about are girls?" - She said this with a smirk that made me jump a little in surprise. How did she know? Now I understand how people feel when they see my smirk. But I need to come up with something to prove that it's not true.

"What are you talking about? Why did this even occur to you?" - I said calmly, trying to put on as calm a face as possible. But my mom seems to be the only person who sees right through me.

She giggled a little, then looked at me with a smile and gave a simple answer to my question : "Mom's intuition."

I sighed, knowing that if I continued to resist her, nothing would come of it. So I decided to just answer.

"Fine, you won. Yes they are girls but they are just my friends okay? I'm not interested in relationships at the moment, you know that." - I gave up and told her about it. It is very surprising and scary at the same time that she is one step ahead of me. 

I looked at her and her eyes literally shone, is she really so happy about what I said?

"Incredible, my son is progressing before my eyes, he already has female friends! I wonder what your father's reaction will be." - She answered happily, her eyes glowing strongly that she could compete with Kita. I keep everyone aware that this is a very high bar.

I sighed imagining my father's reaction, he would probably have caused an earthquake with his joy and surprise.

"Okay mom, I'm leaving." - I said and after my mom wished me good luck I left the house. 

The air was fresh, and the sun shone bright in the sky. The morning dew had cleared, and the birds chirped happily in the trees. A cool wind blew through the air, carrying the smell of flowers, and the clouds looked like they might bring rain, which was not surprising.

"In the end, my intuition did not fail me, I must hurry before it starts to rain.Despite the fact that I have an umbrella with me and I love the rain, I want to get there faster." - I started walking towards the station, of course I won't run there. I have a lot of time before the start and this is not a scene from some drama.

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