A Heart's Enchantment [ 8 ]

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In their cozy Canadian home, surrounded by beautiful nature, Taehyung and Jungkook were excited to start fresh. They loved breathing in the fresh air and seeing the pretty views around them. They enjoyed exploring cute neighborhoods and trying tasty local food. Each day felt like a new adventure, and they were happy to experience it all together.

Yet, amidst the excitement of their new life, there lingered a bittersweet longing in their hearts-a yearning for a child to complete their family. Despite their shared happiness and unwavering love for each other, Taehyung and Jungkook felt the absence of a little one to call their own.

They dreamed of bedtime stories and lullabies, of tiny hands reaching out to grasp theirs, and of laughter filling their home. Together, they imagined the joy of parenthood and the warmth of a family united by love.

But as they navigated their new life in Canada, Taehyung and Jungkook found solace in each other's arms, drawing strength from their bond and the shared hope for a brighter future. They knew that their journey toward parenthood would have its challenges, but they faced them together, their love guiding them through every obstacle.

And so, amidst the beauty of their new surroundings, Taehyung and Jungkook cherished the moments they shared, knowing that their family may not yet be complete, but their love for each other was boundless and unwavering.

1 year later....

Jungkook's voice quivered with anticipation and nerves as he made the call to his mother. Sitting in their cozy living room, he gripped his phone tightly. The phone was received by his mother, and they talked randomly about many things. In the middle of their conversation, Jungkook brought up a topic to tell his mother.

"Eomma, I wanna tell you something?" His words quivered with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Mrs. Jeon's warm voice came through the phone, "Yeah, say, bunny."

"But you've to promise me you won't tell anyone," Jungkook pleaded.Mrs. Jeon chuckled softly,

"Your secret's safe with me, but what's got you so secretive?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "Something important that I want to share, but please, don't breathe a word to anyone, not even appa.

Her curiosity stirred, Mrs. Jeon promised eagerly.

"I won't utter a word. Now, spill it."

Jungkook took a deep breath,

"I'm pregnant."

Silence followed, broken only by Mrs. Jeon's shocked gasp,

"You're... pregnant?"

"I am," Jungkook confirmed, his heart racing with anticipation.

Her initial shock giving way to joy, Mrs. Jeon exclaimed, "Oh my god, baby, congratulations!"

Jungkook's voice softened, "Thanks, eomma, but don't tell anyone, okay? Not yet."

Confused but respecting his wishes, Mrs. Jeon agreed, "I won't breathe a word. But why keep such wonderful news a secret?"

Jungkook's tone turned somber, "My previous pregnancies... they didn't end well. This time, I want to be sure before sharing the news with everyone."

Understanding washed over Mrs. Jeon, "I see, bunny. We'll keep it between us for now. But I'll be praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you."

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