A Heart's Enchantment [ 6 ]

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"Hubby!! We're having girls," Jungkook exclaimed with excitement, causing Tae to chuckle affectionately.

"Yes, baby, our princesses are coming," Tae replied, pulling Jungkook closer in a warm embrace.

Jungkook was currently 6 months pregnant with his twin daughters. Today, they had found out the gender of their babies, and the news filled them with joy. Tae loved the idea of having twin daughters, and he couldn't wait to meet them. He recalled his friend's experience with twin sons, marveling at the adorable similarities and wondering how parents distinguished between them.

"I'm so happy for both of you," Mrs. Kim, Jungkook's mother, expressed, enveloping Jungkook in a warm hug.

"Please pray for us, eomma, so that I can have them safely," Jungkook responded gratefully, returning the embrace.

"I will, bunny. I'm excited to see my granddaughters," Taehyung's mother said, planting a kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

"You should take care of yourself from now on. Stay healthy for your babies," she advised lovingly.

"I will, eomma," Jungkook promised earnestly.

"What will you name our grandchilds?" Taehyung's father suddenly asked.

"Kim Ae-cha and Kim Ari," Tae replied confidently, surprising Jungkook.

"You've already decided on their names, hubby?" Jungkook pouted playfully.

"I'm sorry, baby. I forgot to tell you," Tae apologized sheepishly.

"The names are beautiful," both Taehyung's parents complimented with a smile.

"Indeed they are," Jungkook agreed, looking fondly at Tae.

"Our Kim Ae-cha and Kim Ari," Tae affirmed proudly, envisioning a future filled with love and happiness for their twin daughters.


"Koo, you should eat more, you're eating for 3 people now, not only for yourself," Tae urged gently as he attempted to feed Jungkook more.

"Hubby, my tummy is already full, I'm feeling tired," Jungkook responded wearily.

"Do you want to sleep?"

"Yes, please help me lay down," Jungkook requested, needing assistance due to the challenges of his advancing pregnancy. With twins on the way, his body had undergone significant changes-his womb was large, and he felt swollen and weak. Tae's worry for him and their daughters was palpable.

"Cuddle with me, hubby," Jungkook pleaded.

"Baby, you might get uncomfortable with your belly," Tae cautioned.

"Please, hubby, I miss your cuddles," Jungkook insisted.

"Oh, sweetheart, let me cuddle you from behind," Tae agreed, holding Jungkook close.

"Tae," Jungkook whispered.


"Is God giving our babies back?" Jungkook's question was filled with hope and fear. Tae gazed into his eyes, gently caressing Jungkook's cheeks.

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