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Hey! Nik here! I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's a little long for me, but things are picking up! :D If you like this story, be sure to check out my books on my personal page @shareandinspire, and to look at Ryenn's as well on hers, @hanna19134. I promise you won't regret it!

Other than that, vote, comment, and give us a follow! :D

WHOOO. God Bless and Happy Reading, Lost Children!



"No way, really?"

The man on the other end of the line laughed. "Really. You have a very impressive writing voice, Ms. Lovato. We're excited to have you join our team. In fact, the boss man thinks you're just what we need to rejuvenate the column."

I grabbed my head and spun in a circle. This could not be happening!

"Oh, my gosh, thank you so much! I promise I won't let you down!"

He laughed again. "We know you won't, Miss. Now, when did you say you could start?"

I laughed, too, but stopped abruptly to think about my schedule. Next week was Sterling's first show in North America, and I had tickets to go. The only problem was that the first show was in Nashville, Tennessee, and I had to traverse the country to get there. Ideally, I had hoped to spend a few days there, exploring music city. I'd even taken time off of my current job for that very reason.

"Um, maybe I can start the week after next? So, the 22nd? Is that okay?"

I heard a few scratches on the other end, like he was shuffling papers on his desk.

"Ah, perfect! That leaves us open window of three days? Our old lady put in her resignation for the 19th, so..I think that'll work. I'll give you a call if we need you in earlier. But for now, welcome aboard! Call if you need anything. If not, I'll make sure to stop by on the 22nd to welcome you to the office."

"Thank you so much, Mr..."

"Hess. My last name is Hess. But everybody calls me Zach. We're very informal here. See you soon, Demi."

I laughed and hung up the phone. This was amazing! I had the job I'd always wanted, and just...AHHHH

I wished Sterling was here! He would have been more than willing to jump up and down with me in absolute bliss. Man, I missed him!

I decided to wait until I saw him at his show next week to break the awesome news to him. I thought briefly about telling Dani, but she was with Sterling, and I didn't want to take the chance that he'd find out through her. Besides, the news would be way better delivered face-to-face.

Ding! I looked down at my phone, which had just received a text.

"Speak of the devil," I laughed, seeing it was from Ling.

Ling: Dem-O! I can't wait to see you next week! God, I miss America! The sights, the sounds!

Me: The hamburgers? :P

Ling: Sigh...yes. You know, even McDonald's tastes foreign here.

Me: xD You'll be all right, Ling. But I'm stoked to see you too! And in Nashville, too! I've always wanted to visit Nashville. I suppose I could almost thank you for giving me a reason. ;)

Ling: Well, you're more than welcome, ma'am. :D

Me: Haha. I'll see you soon, all right? I have to be heading back to work. I'm on my lunch break right now, but it's pretty much over.

Caught UpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon