Meeting the Newbie

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*NOTE: there might be parts of these chapters that may seem ethically prejudice, stereotypical, out of context, or totally inaccurate. I assure you that it is NOT intended. It's just for the sake of this story.

Anyway, on with the story!






Max, Ed, Stuart, and I had all made it to London about four days ago, and-

No, wait, maybe I need to elaborate a little further on that.

In Chicago time, which is the plane we had to take in order to get to London, got in three days ago in London time, but only in about thirteen and a half hours in Chicago time. And because of the confusion, and Ed and Stuart's comical side wanting Max and I to figure out the time difference by ourselves, Max and I kept making everyone go back and forth between Ed's apartment and London City Airport so we could pick up this Sterling guy on time. But now that Ed and Stuart had ended their "practical joke," we were all finally picking him up on time.

And what we saw wasn't very pleasant.

A lanky, muscular... ish, boyish looking guy was stumbling out of the airport, with the support of a couple of our security guards. His blonde hair was all over the place, his blue eyes were bloodshot and dull, his clothes were wrinkly and out of place, and we kept hearing him groan as he was holding his head.

"Blimey," Stuart whispered, "How many times are we going to have to go through our flight attendants trying to make our clients legless?"

"This has happened before," I asked.

"Sadly," Ed replied, "some of our flight attendants are idiots, if you ask me."

"Hey guys," the Sterling guy panted, finally making his appearance. You could smell the alcohol on his breath and see the indented dark circles under his eyes.

I wanted to laugh at how this idiot was. But I knew if I broke any of Ed and Stuart's rules, then I'd be sent back home.

I'd rather die than be sent back home.

"Welcome to London, mate," Ed exclaimed shaking Sterling's hand, "Ed Sheeran. Nice to meet our new opening act."

"The pleasure's all mine, sir," he replied, "Sterling Knight."

"Oh we know who you are. You have great talent."

"Thank you."

"The name's Stuart," Stuart laughed, shaking Sterling's hand, "A little too much champagne on the flight here, huh?"

"A little bit," he replied with a groan.

"Max Schneider," Max said next shaking Sterling's hand, "I'm the other opening act."

"Oh, nice to meet you," Sterling replied. He then looked at me with this confused and bewildered look on his face.

"Who's the chick," he asked.

Okay, I'm starting to regret this decision already.

"Someone you don't need to worry about getting to know," I retorted before making my way out of the airport. I hear footsteps behind me a few moments later, not bothering to turn around just in case that it was that Sterling kid.

"Dani," the person exclaimed. I knew it couldn't be Sterling since he didn't know my name, so I stopped and turned around, finding that Max was the one that followed me.

"Why'd you run off?" he asked.

"Because I don't wanna deal with a guy who's going to degrade girls," I replied.

"You don't know whether or not he does that when he's sober. Better to get to know him than not know and get sent back home, right?"

"Which is why I don't plan on talking to him until he's sober," I replied.

"So what will you do until then? Just ignore him?"

"Got any better ideas?" At this, he put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay, I give up. Ed told me to take you back to the apartment, and that he doesn't plan on sending you home unless he finds you drunk or in the middle of it, so-"

"Why would he say that!?! No, wait, it's Ed. Or did Stuart say it?"

"Are you on your period again?"

"Would you not ask me that question!?!"

"Well, are you!?!"

"You are lucky that you're my best friend because I would have stripped you of your manhood if you weren't." He winced at the mention of his manhood being in danger.

"You can sure be violent when you wanna be, you know that?"

"Sorry. But..." I then whispered my response in his ear, and he didn't say another word after that.

"So what're you gonna do now," Max asked.

"I might talk to Demi," I replied.

"That new friend of yours on Wattpad?"

"Yep. In fact I may talk to her now."

"But you don't have Wi-Fi here."

"The good thing about Wattpad is that you don't have to have Wi-Fi to access it." With that, I pulled up my PM box and began typing.

Me: That moment when you're on a tour in London and run into a guy in the middle of a hangover and he asks my brother "who's the chick?"

Demi: Wow. And you're on a tour in London!?!

Me: Yeah. My brother's job kinda requires him to travel the world, and my parents are finally letting me go with him.

Demi: That's so cool! I wish I could travel with my best friend right now. His job requires him to do the same thing, actually.

Me: Seriously!?! That's so cool!

Demi: I know, right?


And finite!


I have no idea what that means, but I tried adding an o at the end instead of an e and that's what I got haha.

Nikki's up next! Stay tuned for her update! And the many updates to come!

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