A Mov(i)e in the Right Direction

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MARCH 23, 2015


"Wow, will you look at them, Ling?" I stuffed a handful of heavily buttered popcorn into my mouth, chewing ungracefully as I pointed at a couple in front of where I was sitting with my best friend, Sterling. The couple was wrapped around each other, making out like the world's safety depended on it. "It's like they're trying to count each other's teeth."

Sterling laughed, popping a few kernels into his own mouth before whispering back to me.

"Remember when we used to do that Mimi?" He leaned closer to me and made kissing noises, and I batted him away, laughing under my breath.

"Gross, Ling! No, I do not remember that," I lied, still chuckling quietly.

Sterling pressed a hand against his heart and said, "Ouch. That hurts, Mimi."

I rolled my eyes towards the movie screen, though we hadn't come to watch the flick in front of us. We came to watch the people do the crazy, unbelievable things they did during movies. I watched them and gained inspiration for funny characters in the books I wrote; Sterling just came to have fun with his best friend, though he had mentioned once or twice that some of the more interesting people had inspired songs he'd written.

"Oh, look at this guy, Meems," Sterling persisted, pointing discreetly to a large gentleman trying to raise himself from his chair. Sterling sighed dramatically. "Do you think we ought to help him?"

I slapped him in censure, though I was on the brink of laughter again. "Shut up, Ling, that's not nice!"

Sterling objected, a huge smile on his face. "What?! Come on! The guy's practically purple!"

I laughed as quietly as possible, some of the popcorn being knocked to the greasy floor in the process.

Sterling could always make me laugh. We'd been best friends for years, had even tried dating once upon a time, though that had been a disaster. It had been about a year and a half ago, and had only lasted about two months before we realized we just weren't grown up enough to handle a relationship...especially not with each other. We were extremely compatible, agreed on most things and had always found a way to accept and love the other despite their mistakes, but something just hadn't clicked when we had tried for more. I had always chalked it up to the fact that they simply knew each other too well; Sterling hardly ever thought about it, as far as I knew. He was too focused on his music career, which he was absolutely sure was on the edge of taking off. At least, that was what he told me. I could see his frustration, much as he tried to hide it. He'd been at it for years with hardly any success.

The movie was just about over, and the mass exodus of the movie-goers was our favorite part of the experience. I nudged Sterling, and we exited the theater without a word, creeping through the smallest crack in the door we could and sitting on the bench opposite the theater.

As we waited, I took my phone out and checked for notifications. I had a few texts from my other friends, and a few new likes on my instagram, but only one notification from wattpad, which was by far my favorite site. I frowned. It was pretty unusual to have only one notification. My newest story, "Secret Love", had been doing really well, and I was constantly getting disgruntled comments. They made me laugh. Secretly, though, I loved it (haha, get my joke?).

I opened the notification anyway, seeing it was a message from someone I'd just followed.

"Hey there! Thanks for the follow! I'm in love with your work! So what persuaded you to start following me... "

I laughed. I shot a message back, thanking her for her support and for all the comments she had left me on the last chapter update. I decided not to address the last part of her question, as I honestly couldn't remember what story she had written (if any) and if I had liked it. I was just too caught up in my best friend date with Sterling.

"Hey, Ling?" I asked, shoving my phone back into my purse and looking over at him. "Did you ever get that man's phone number?"

"Which one?" I gave him a knowing look, and he laughed. "Oh...that man."

He laughed, but I rolled my eyes.

"Sterling Sandmann Knight! One does not simply meet the manager of British super-star Ed Sheeran and let him compliment their music without getting his phone number! What if he wants to manage you as well?"

"He did compliment my music, didn't he?" He replied, playing coy. I shoved him, still playful, though he was beginning to irritate me with his reticence.

"Seriously, Ling! Did you get his number?"

He smiled at me, that smile that feels like he knows something about me I don't. It's probably the truth, actually. We know practically everything about one another.

"I got his number, Mimi. Don't you worry."

I sighed in relief. "Good. I thought you'd gone bonkers there for a minute."

He laughed, but just then, the door to the theater opened, and we both watched as people began pouring from the doors. The large man had apparently managed to get out of his chair, and he came waddling out first, a bucket of popcorn clutched to his chest. The couple that had been making out in the front were holding pinkies and speaking to each other in whispered tones, which made my heart ache a little. There were some times when I truly missed being in a relationship.

I heard Sterling's phone go off suddenly, and was turning to castigate him for having it set to sound when we had just come from a movie, when I saw that his face had gone ghostly white.

"Sterling, what's wrong?" I gripped his arm, instantly worried. "What is it?"

He held up his phone so I could see the screen. "Mimi...it's him."

So, hey! This is @shareandinspire a.k.a Nikki. (: I'm so glad you're reading this! This is a fun little project. I'm excited about it. 

So, hey, if you like the writing styles in this book, check out my page and @hanna19134 's page as well. (: 

Vote, comment, follow! Tell us how we're doing! This is a new thing for me, so I'd like all the feedback I can get! :D 

Picture of Demi and Sterling to the side.  

God Bless and Happy Reading, dear Lost Children.  :D 

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