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"Hey, Ed? Where are the cordless microphones? I thought we'd put them in the corner, but Sterling hasn't been able to find them."

Stuart walked in tiny circles as he spoke to Ed on his cell, a little habit that I had noticed once or twice. They all had their little quirks. 

I pulled out his own phone after feeling it buzz in his pocket. I smiled when I read the text Demi had sent me, but decided not to answer her just yet. I was needed on the stage. Tonight was opening night for our tour, so all of the last minute preparations were being made, including our final rehearsal before the fact.  

When Stuart got off the phone, he moved to the other end of the stage to retrieve the microphones, and I moved downstage to watch Max rehearse his set. Max was pretty good, I thought, though he mostly sang covers. His voice was very pop, and he had a great range, but his stage presence seemed just a little too forced. He winked a lot, that was for sure.

Maybe it'll be different when he's in front of an audience, I thought.

I moved away from the stage and got ready to practice my own set. The band they had supplied me with was awesome. They took everything I said to heart and always knew their parts perfectly. I was stoked to play with them.

By the time we were done rehearsing and I was slapping Ed high five on my way backstage, I had almost completely forgotten to answer Demi. Only just remembering, I reached into my pocket and typed a reply. Then I headed back to my trailer to find something to wear for the show.


It was way too early to be awake on a Saturday morning, but I really miss Ling. I knew he was going to be busy all of today, and that if I wanted to have a shot to get a reply from him, I would need to be awake before he had to focus on his first official show of the tour.

I sighed, reading his reply. It had taken him almost an entire hour to reply, which sucked. He had never been the fastest texter in history, but knowing that he was too busy for me now kind of hurt.

I decided to PM my friend on wattpad, Dani, because I knew she would probably understand.

Me: I really miss my best friend! AGH! I can't wait until they get to America so I can go see him perform.

Dani: Lol. I know the feeling. Whenever my brother would leave for tour, I would miss him so much!

Me: Haha. I bet! What kind of music does he play?

Dani: It's like...pop and rap? I guess. I mean, my best friend is on tour as another of his opening acts and his music is popish as well. But it's hella better than the garbage on the radio.

Me: Oh, gosh, I would hope so! Are you going to record any of the performance? I'd love to see it. (:

Dani: Uh...sure, I think I can do that. I'll try to get you a tape soon, okay? For now, though, I'm still in school. Ugh. Bye, Demi.

Me: Bye, Dani.

I know this is pretty short. But the story is just warming up! I promise!

Watch out for @hanna19134 's update next! God Bless and Happy Reading, Lost Children!

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