A Bit of News

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I know this is short. I'm sorry. D:

God Bless and Happy Reading, Lost Children!


Me: oh, um....wow.

Dani: Are you mad?


I tried to close my mouth, which had been hanging open since I'd read her last message. I knew the little sister of Ed Sheeran....and she was a fan of my books! AHHH

Me: No, no, no! It's not like you knew or anything. No, if anything, this is awesome! Dude!

Dani: Oh, good, I'm so glad you're not mad! I know some people are really pissed when they find out who I am. Like I owed them an explanation or something. Haha.

Me: Oh, I can understand that. I mean, I wouldn't want to be known as Ed Sheeran's little sister, you know? I'd rather people got to know me first. And of course I'm not mad! You know what this means, right?

Dani: ...No?

Me: It means that when I come to see Sterling play, I get to meet you too! :D

Dani: Oh my gosh! Why didn't I think of that? That's awesome!

Me: Yeah! Totally! Hey, um...I have to get going. I'm late for a job interview. But I'm really excited! Talk to you soon, Ms. Sheeran. ;)

Dani: Okay! See you!


I rushed out the door, hoping that the traffic wasn't too terrible. I was interviewing for a job at a newspaper. If I got the job, I was going to be an advice columnist for the bi-weekly paper. To say I was stoked was putting it lightly.

When I finally arrived at the tall, white building, I rushed into the elevator and smoothed out my clothes as I ascended. The secretary greeted me, led me through the hall and into an intimidating official office.

An hour later, I was on my lunch break (I had a job currently as a sales lady at the local Wal- Mart) and got a text from Sterling.

Ling: You know that brat Danielle, do you?

Me: Haha, yes. But I hardly think "brat" is a good word to describe her. What's your problem with her?

Ling: You should see the way she looks at me, Mimi. You'd want to crawl down her throat and clip her vocal chords every time she opens her poisonous little mouth.

Me: That's not nice, Ling. And I really like Dani.  Maybe you should just give her a chance. What'd you do to piss her off?

Ling: Hell if I know. I just know she's never liked me. Never.

Me: Well, you're a big boy. You can handle it, I'm sure. (:

Ling: Yeah, I guess. I miss you though, Meems.

Me: I miss you too, Ling. <3 I'll see you soon, though, right? Hey, how about you facetime me when you get the chance, all right? I want to tell you about my interview.

Ling: Oh, right! The one for the advice column, right? I'm pulling for you, Meems. I'll bet you were awesome. ;)

Me: Haha, well, thank you. I'll keep you posted.

Ling: See that you do. Love you.

Me: Haha. Love you too. In the most platonic of ways. ;)

Ling: Hey, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm a heterosexual. Calm down, bro!

Me: *literally laughing aloud* what? Are you trying to say that I'd have to be gay to like you?

Ling: No. You'd have to have better taste in men to like me.

Me: Whatever, Ling. Talk to you soon.

Ling: Buh-bye.



"Ms. Lovato?"

"Speaking, how may I help you?"

"You got the job. When can you start?"

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