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When Seokmin got home he stood there still in shock after closing the door.

"So how did your date go?" Wonwoo asked walking out of the dining room. "Min? You there?" "Huh? Uh yeah I'm fine."

"I asked how your date was." "Oh um the date went well." "Seokmin are you okay?" "Yeah yeah. Just a little in shock."

"Because of?" "When I took Jisoo home and said goodbye.. I turned around to leave and he grabbed my arm, turned me back around, and kissed my cheek. It all happened so fast that I don't think I've even processed it all." "Damn boy is smooth." Chan said as he walked out.

"Chan language." Their dad warned. "Sorry father." Jihoon laughed at his brother which earned him a slap on the arm from Chan.

"I take it your date went well son?" "Yeah it went really well." "Well I bet you're tired from being out all day so how about you go ahead and rest. You boys should go to bed too it's late." "Okay father."

They all headed upstairs to their rooms and Seokmin put away all the things he bought as well as his new clothes. He then wrote in his journal about his date and how he and Joshua were now dating. Afterwards he changed into pajamas and went to bed.

*At Kingdom Sapphire*

Joshua had just walked through the door when Jeonghan rushed out of the dining room with Seungcheol following behind him. "Honey you have to believe him. Why would he lie to you about this?" "No that crazy woman is not my mother! I won't accept it!"

"Jeonghan what's going on?" "Father just told me that the woman who keeps begging to talk to him is our mother! I don't believe him!" "Wait really?"

"It's true." A voice said coming from the dining room entrance. "She is your mother. Her name is Isuel and she is finally back after being taken from us years ago. She's tried really hard to be with you guys again." Their dad says walking into the room with their mother following behind him.

"Then why didn't she try to be here earlier if she wanted to be with us again so badly?" Jeonghan asked annoyed. "Because she was taken from us by a bad guy. She had to escape him to get here. You were young when this happened so of course you'll have a hard time remembering."

For some reason, to Joshua, his father's tone was a little weird. He didn't sound upset when talking about how his wife was taken from him but more annoyed, like he knew something they didn't.

"None of that matters anymore. Your mother is here again after a long time and that's all we should care about. It's late, you boys should go to bed. We'll discuss this more tomorrow." "Fine. Goodnight father." "Goodnight father." "Goodnight boys." "Goodnight sir." "Goodnight Seungcheol."

Their mother also said good night to them but they completely ignore her.

"They'll come around soon Iseul. I'm sure it's just that they're still in shock that you're here after so long." "I hope you're right."

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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