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Seokmin woke up the next morning upset. Why? Well it's because he couldn't come up with a way to confess to Jisoo in the rose garden. Now he's frustrated that he can't tell him this weekend.

Completely forget about that walk in the rose garden. There's no point in doing that now.

Not that he had the courage to do it in the first place. After he found out he liked Jisoo, he hasn't been able to act the same around him. He doesn't know if it's noticeable but he hopes it isn't.

"It's not noticeable unless you're looking for it." says Prince Seungkwan of Kingdom Emerald, a close friend he went to visit that day.

"Yeah but you notice everything Kwan!" "True true but other people aren't as observant."

"Kwan's right. People, especially in our families, don't really pay attention to these kinds of simple things because they are busy with everything else and running things." says Minghao, Seungkwan's adopted brother.

Their parents wanted to raise 2 boys at the same time so they adopted Minghao while the Queen was pregnant with Seungkwan.

"I guess. I just hope that he doesn't notice." "Boy is oblivious so no I don't think he'll notice." "*sigh* fine if you say so."

"How long are you going to keep this from him though?" asked Minghao, genuinely curious.

"I was going to say something this weekend when we were all at Kingdom Sapphire. Jeonghan told me that he loves their rose garden so I was going to take him on a walk there and tell him but I couldn't come up with how to say it so I'm gonna wait a little while until I can figure it out."

"I actually think it's better to wait until after the announcement. If the announcement is what I think it is then everyone might be forced to stay and celebrate so you might not even be given the chance to be alone with him." "Yeah I suppose you're right."

"I'm Seungkwan. Of course I'm right." Both his brother and his friend rolled their eyes at him.

He has always been like this so this response didn't surprise them.

"Ignoring him. If you need any help coming up with how to do it. I'm always here.""Thanks Hao."

"How would you possibly be able to help him? I don't remember you ever asking someone out before." "I have! You just don't know about them because I've had to keep it a secret from mom and dad, but knowing you and your big mouth, if I said anything about it you'd tell them!"

"I would not! I might be a loud mouth when it comes to simple things that don't really need be kept secret because it's stupid to, but with shit like that, of course I'm going to respect your boundaries!"

That shut his brother up real quick. He should've just trusted him instead of keeping something like that from him. "Well whatever. It's in the past now. It doesn't matter anymore." "Fine, but next time tell me." "Yeah fine sure."

The room then fell silent. Seokmin decided to finally head home, so he bid his goodbyes to the brothers and left Kingdom Emerald.

The ride home was short and quiet. Seokmin liked it though. He always liked simple things so rides like this never bothered him. He always looked forward to rides like this.

When he came home the food was almost ready. "Hi father." He says as he enters the dining room and sits down. "Hi son." The King responds with a grin.

"Any plans for tomorrow boys?" The King asked his sons.

"Not really. I'm most likely just staying home." Jihoon answers. "Yeah same here." Chan says. The twins nod agreeing with their brothers. "Yeah I'm staying home too but Mingyu will be coming over to hang out." Wonwoo says.

Kim Mingyu, Seungcheol's cousin whose parents died when he was little from the illness that was from the village. He was too young to really remember his parents so whenever people asked him about them he never really had an answer. The response was always the same, "I was too young to ever really know them so, I don't have any memories of them." This response always got him sympathetic looks but he didn't care. It was the truth.

"Oh sure just to "hang out"." Chan whispers to Wonwoo teasingly when their father was busy talking to the servants. This gets him a smack on the head from the older boy while their father was still distracted. "We are just friends. Stop it." Wonwoo whispers back.

"Oh please it's so obvious that you like him." "I do not like him. Just shut up and leave me alone." "Chan leave Wonwoo alone." Seokmin says joining in.

"Whatever, but it's true." The twins looked at each other then rolled their eyes at their little brother.

Their father was finally done talking to servants and turned back to his sons. "Well I hope you boys, minus Wonwoo apparently, find something to do while you're home. I'll be at Kingdom Sapphire to discuss with King Junghoon about this weekend." "Oh, what will you be discussing with him father?" Seokmin asked curious.

"I'll just be discussing the menu options with him so that way it's something we'll all enjoy and to make sure it's nothing that anyone is allergic to. All the kings who are going this weekend, as well as the Queen from Kingdom Emerald, are going tomorrow to discuss." "Okay father. Have a nice time while you're out." "Thank you son."

The food finally arrived and they all ate silence until they were finished.

Seokmin headed upstairs to his room and got out his journal. He wrote about his day and how he thinks this weekend is gonna go before putting it away and heading to bed.

He truly hopes that the weekend goes well and that everyone will be happy for his friends. He'll worry about that when the day comes though. Right now he only worries about getting sleep.

I feel like this chapter isn't as good as the first one but whatever ☠️

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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