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Joshua was anxiously waiting in his room when his servant Yeonjun walked in. "Sir I have Prince Seokmin's response." "Thank you. You can just leave it right there on my desk." "Okay"

Yeonjun set the letter on the desk and then left the room.

After the door closed Joshua got up and walked over the desk opening the letter.

Dear Jisoo,
That's completely fine, I don't mind moving it to the day after. For the second half of your letter, I wasn't really expecting that. I'm glad that you can trust me and are ready to love again because of me. I love you too Joshua. I really do. Instead of this next date being a trial date before we start dating. How about it being our first official date as lovers? I'll make it the best first date you've ever had. Does that sound good to you?
Lee Seokmin

Joshua couldn't help but smile widely at the latter as he read it over and over again.

"Hey did you get a response yet-" Jeonghan asked when he walked into the room, stopping when he saw his brother smiling widely at a letter. He smiled softly walking over to Joshua. "What did he write that has you smiling like that?"

Joshua jumped a little. He didn't realize his brother came into the room since he was so caught up in reading Seokmin's letter.

"He's so sweet. I told him how I felt about him in the letter I sent that's why I asked you for privacy, because I knew the other two especially Seungkwan, would be annoying about it, and look how he responded."

Jeonghan found it cute how excited his brother was about a response from his crush. He leaned over and read the letter quietly while the other two princes walked into the room. Jeonghan spoke as soon as he finished reading the letter, "Aw that's so sweet." "I know right?! I should've realized my feelings a while ago if I knew he was gonna be like this!"

"You should give him a response though. Don't want the poor boy waiting do you?" "oh shit yeah. I'll do that right now." "What's going on?" Minghao chimes in.

While Jeonghan explains the situation to the other two Joshua starts writing a response to Seokmin's question.

Jeonghan was in the middle of showing the letter Seokmin wrote to the brothers when Joshua had finished writing his response. "I'll be back you guys. I'm gonna go downstairs and give this to Yeonjun to send off." "Okay"

Joshua headed back downstairs for the second time and called Yeonjun over again. "Yes your majesty?" "Sorry for bothering you again but I need you to send another letter to Prince Seokmin." "Oh it's no problem your majesty, I'll do that right away." "Thank you" "You're welcome your majesty."

Joshua watches again as he leaves before going back upstairs to where his brother and friends were. "Okay and now we wait." "Alright then."

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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