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For the past few days all Joshua could think about was Seokmin and their date on Saturday.

"Hey! Earth to Jisoo! Are you even listening to me?!" Jeonghan hit his brother on the shoulder. "Huh? What were you saying?"

"Jeez dude you've been spacing out all morning. Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine just thinking about stuff." "Thinking about Seokmin." "Yeah... no. Fuck! Just forget I said anything."

"Oh my god you're acting like me when I first realized I like Seungcheol. He was all I could think about for days." Yeah I know I remember." "Yeah and I'm sure you remember how annoying that was."

His brother wasn't wrong. It was kind of annoying to see him up in his head all day and not really paying attention. He just hopes he doesn't turn out that bad himself.

"Okay yeah but at least now it's not bad because now all you can think about is your wedding." "True and one day you'll be the same way so you can't talk shit when you know it's true." "Okay fair but I'm not even thinking about stuff like that yet right now."

"Fine but we got things to do so stop daydreaming about Seokmin and help me decide on decorations for the wedding." "Your wedding is in six months why are you deciding on these things now?" "Do you know me?" "True."

The rest of the afternoon was just the twins discussing things about the wedding while leaving the things Jeonghan can't decide on for Seungcheol to decide later.

*At Kingdom Ruby*

Seokmin for the past few hours has been writing in his journal possible date ideas for him and Joshua to do later on. He successfully planned out... 3. Which is good because before he couldn't even plan out how he was going to confess so for him it's a win.

After he finally gave up on thinking of more ideas it was close to dinner time.

He headed downstairs to see Jihoon already in the dining room. " Have you been in here all day?" "No I just got back from the village. I just headed straight in here when I got home because I knew it was close to dinner time." "Ah okay."

"Evening boys." "Evening father." "Where are your brothers?" "They should be coming down now."

As if on cue both boys walk into the dining room. "Hello boys." "Hello father." "Let's eat."

The King notified a servant nearby that they were ready to eat so the servant went to notify the cooks right away.

Food was served soon after and they all took their time eating.

Once they were all done they all headed back up to their rooms to go to bed.

Seokmin first wrote in his journal before finally going to sleep.

A little filler chapter 🙂

I'll see you guys in the next chapter! 


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