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Seokmin was relaxing in his room when one of his servants walked in. "Prince Seokmin?" "Yes Soobin?" "I have a letter from Prince Jisoo for you." "Oh really?" "Yes Yeonjun just dropped it off right now." "OKay just leave it on my desk. I'll open it in a second." "Okay."

Soobin leaves the letter on the desk and exits the room. After he exits Seokmin gets up to read the letter, curious as to what Joshua could possibly be writing to him for.

He opens it and reads it quietly to himself.

Dear Seokmin,
I know this is sort of out of the blue but I want to ask if we can postpone our date to the day after instead of Friday. I have this thing that I have to do with my brother, Seungkwan, and Minghao. Also there was something that I supposed to tell you last Saturday that I forgot about because I was having such a nice time. I do like you Seokmin. I just never realized it because I was scared to love again and didn't think I could find my forever person, but now I don't think that anymore. With you I'm ready to love again. I didn't want to wait a whole month to tell you when I already know how I feel, so I'm telling you now. Lee Seokmin, I really really like you. No actually, I love you. I will continue loving you if you give me the chance to do so. If you can give me a response as soon as you finish reading this I would love that.
  -All my love,
                                                   Hong Jisoo

Seokmin was in shock. He couldn't believe what he was reading. Jisoo loves him. He thought it'd take all month to hear something like that from Jisoo. Maybe Jeonghan had talked to him about it and that's why he already realized his feelings? That doesn't matter now though. Right now what matters is responding to Jisoo.

Seokmin quickly grabbed a paper and a pen and started writing his response before putting it in a envelope and heading downstairs to have a servant send it off.

"Taehyun!" "Yes Your Majesty?" "I need you to send this to Prince Jisoo of Kingdom Sapphire immediately. It's important." "Of course Your Majesty. I'll send it right away." "Thank you."

He watched as he left and then headed back upstairs to his room.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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