Chapter 9: The Bull

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I'm going to miss New Orleans. The entire experience was surreal. The music, the food, the people. It was all spectacular.

I fear that this was my first and last time here. Who knows if I'll ever be able to make it back. Even if I do get to come back eventually, it probably won't be with the people that accompanied me this time around.

Reggie, Beth, and Blake.

They mean more to me then I could have ever imagined.

Even if I do make it back to this city, it wouldn't be the same without them.

The thought about what will happen to the four of us once this trip is over terrifies me. Will we remain friends? Or will we not even acknowledge each other in the hallways when school starts back up? The only thing I can do is cherish the moments that we have together now and worry about the future later.

Then there's Blake and I.

I don't understand what you'd call the two of us. Is this just a summer fling type deal? Or will this continue after the trip is over? That's one thing I can't quite push to the back of my mind.

No one is awake yet as I contemplate these thoughts. I lay in bed and think about all the "what ifs". I know you shouldn't, but I can't really help it. I need to know. I need to be in control.

What really, really scares me is the idea that as more time passes after this trip, the foggier my memories will become. I won't be able to remember the exact shade of yellow that was on the building at The Mystery Hole, or the smell of the Gumbo we ate our first night in Louisiana.

And if this is my last time with Blake, what if I forget the exact shade of blue of his eyes?

The frown on my face that this fear is causing me is in complete contrast with the big smile I fell asleep with.

The one thing, however, that I'll never forget is the way this trip and these people made me feel. The colors, the sounds, and the smells may fade in my mind but, the happiness that this trip caused will never leave me.

Beth moves around in the bed for a second before sitting up.

"Morning," she says in that scratchy way that can only be attributed to someone who just woke up.

"Morning," I tell her, still laying on my back.

Beth gets up to start getting ready for the morning, "Where are we headed today."

I have to sit and visualize my map to know what's next on the agenda, "Texas."

Texas seems like it'll be an interesting time. I think it's going to be a particularly fun day for us.

All of the movement from Beth causes for Blake followed by Reggie to stir awake. Blake rubs his eyes in the most adorable manner followed by a small yawn. He looks left and right a little before settling on my bed.

"Morning Trevor," he calls out with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, morning Trevor," Reggie mimics earning a snort from Beth.

I roll my eyes though the small smile on my face gives away that I'm not actually upset.

These guys, am I right?

We all take turns in the bathroom to get ready before checking out and getting back into the van which, at this point, we're all acquainted with.

Reggie drives with Blake in the passenger seat and Beth and I in the back.

I wave my goodbye to New Orleans as we exit the city. Though I don't know when or if I'll be back, I got to come and that's enough for me.

"On to Texas," Reggie says after we make our way out of New Orleans limits.

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