Chapter 3: The Dog

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"Guys, what is it?" Blake asks as we exit the car.

"It's a hot dog in a canoe," Reggie replies, no sign of joking in his voice.

"No seriously, what is it?" Blake asks again, his eyebrows furrowing above his glasses.

"Seriously, it's a giant hot dog. Almost as giant as my..." Reggie starts.

"Stop," I tell him before he can finish, "He's right though, Blake. It's the Culvert Pipe Hot Dog."

"Can you describe it to me?" He asks, still staring ahead at where the hot dog is.

Before I have a chance to begin, Beth beats me to it and begins to describe what the hot dog looks like. I don't like it. I can't explain why, but it just doesn't seem right to me.

"Trevor, why are we here?" Blake asks, looking to the left of him. Beth whispers something in his ear followed by Blake looking to the right of him where I'm actually standing.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, knowing exactly what he means, but I feel suddenly cold towards him for a reason I can't really comprehend.

I can feel him rolling his eyes behind his glasses, "I mean," he holds out the 'e' in an annoyed tone, "why are we visiting a giant hotdog?"

I roll my eyes back at him, hoping he can feel me doing it and reply, "Why wouldn't you want to see a giant hotdog?"

As if Reggie can feel the hostility, he claps his hands together and asks, "Anyone want a hotdog?" He leads the way towards the food, followed by Beth and Blake. I pause before following. Why isn't she letting go of his hand? Why is he allowing her to do this? Why am I bothered by this? I barely like the guy as a person, let alone....

I shudder. I don't even want to consider...that.

Following where my three other travel companions went, I barely make it five steps before they're all approaching me with their own hotdogs.

"I got you one Trevor," Reggie tells me, handing me a hotdog. Out of the four of us, Reggie's probably my favorite.

"We should keep driving for a bit then stop for the night," Beth tells us as we get back into the car.

We all agree as Reggie gets back on the highway.

"You know, that was a pretty good hotdog if I do say so myself," Reggie informs us as a dreamy look takes over his face.

"Considering the many hotdogs, I've had the pleasure of eating in my lifetime, I too agree that the hotdogs were pretty good," Blake pipes up, "what did you think Trevor?"

"It was a good hotdog," I tell him after the several pokes he gave to my shoulder following his question.

I pull at a loose string on my jeans, knowing it needs to be cut. I keep doing it until I see a small hole in the seam. I should probably stop.

Or else they'll unravel.

"Can you turn on the music," Blake asks from the back.

"Nothing too heavy please," Beth quickly adds.

Soft music starts pumping from the van's speakers.

"And when I see you, I really see you upside down..."

"Who is this?" Blake asks with his eyebrows furrowed.

"It's Death Cab for Cutie," I turn to tell him, knowing the song the second it starts.

"I like it," he tells me, a smile gracing his features as his head faces directly towards me, as if he's looking straight into my eyes.

I whip forward again. That needs to stop.

If Looks Could KillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora