Chapter 7: The Voodoo Dolls

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I wake up on a cloud. That was some of the best sleep I've ever had. I don't think it's been that good since being in the womb. Thinking about today's plans is exciting but thinking about last night excites me even more.


            Did last night really happen? Was any of it real? I have a small fear that if I get up to start the day, I'll find out it was all a dream. I don't know what I'd do if it all turned out to be a dream. If I concentrate hard enough, I can almost feel his lips still on mine. I almost, almost, wish I could stay in this bed, remembering last night, remembering his hands, his lips, his breath, his entire being.

            But I really want to explore New Orleans.

            "Trevor, get up!" Reggie exclaims as he continuously pokes at me from the side of my bed. I groan knowing I'll have to set aside my thoughts about Blake for now.

            Getting up, I look over at Blake. Are we going to continue like last night didn't happen? Does one of us have to bring it up? I don't think it could ever be me.

            It's like he can feel me looking at him. His head turns towards me and though he's not facing directly towards me, I know that me means to. He gives me a smile causing my heart to beat faster. This is insane. Why are people able to feel this way about others? It's almost like going to the dentist on a school day, though it's not particularly fun to be there, missing school makes up for it. This constant feeling, I have when Blake's involved is kind of annoying, but I'd tolerate this feeling everyday if it meant having him.

            It's not safe to think about Blake in the long term.

            Just thinking about after this trip makes my face grimace in fear. Not knowing what will happen gives me such an uneasy feeling.

            The future is scary.

            "Are you going to go get ready Trevor?" Beth asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

            I give a quick nod before grabbing a change of clothes and making my way to the bathroom. Hopping into the shower helps me clear my mind. I picture it washing all of my fears down the drain. For now, I'll live in the moment and not think about what could happen. The future is the future for a reason. I'm living now.

            Everyone is ready by the time I'm out of the shower. Before we leave, Blake says that he needs to brush his teeth.

            "Trevor, can you come help me really quick?" Blake asks as he makes his way towards the bathroom.

            I'm barely able to get out a sure before Blake's already up and heading into the bathroom.

            "Reggie and I will be waiting in the van," Beth says before her and Reggie are out the door.

            I'm not in the bathroom with Blake for two seconds before he's got his arms around me, pulling me towards him.

            Being this close to him, I can feel us breathing each other's breath again. I know what's going to happen. I can feel the anticipation coursing through my veins.

            We're barely a hair's width away when I stop him, "Is that mint a smell?"

            He gives me a grin, knowing he's been caught red handed, "I just wanted you alone for a moment."

            I can't complain.

            Once our lips finally meet, I just about take a sigh of relief. It's like being able to go outdoors after being stuck inside all day. It's a breath of fresh air.

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