Chp 4

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About five days have passed and you and Ghost have grown a little closer to each other than before . you sat about 2 feet close to each other in your room now but you still stood on the floor refusing to sleep in the bed that had lied there in the room waiting to be used. Ghost stood with you when the doctors came to do work or tests on you which was better when you had first met and he even brought you some paper for you to doodle on since you didn't want to leave the hospital room you were in out of fear still .

Over these days you hadn't slept much nor eaten much since you didn't know what would happen but ghost tended to stay with you a lot but when he had to leave he had gone out to train or to do paper work and get info on new missions from price.

He hoped to try and teach you to trust but he knew he would be able to do it and he knew you would adapt to your new surroundings . Ghost walked down the hallway of the medbay towards your room and passed other soldiers .

As he walked he finally reached your room and looked through the little room window to see you on the floor coloring with the crayons that he had brought you the other day for you to color with.
As you sat on the floor criss crossed hunched over your paper and you colored in your drawing.

Your head snapped up as you saw ghost walk into your room and you sat up for a moment and looked at him. He closed the door behind him and walked over to you. As his tall figure loomed over you , you picked up your paper and you showed him what you drew. He took the paper from your hands gently and he looked at the little doodles you had drawn and he had a little smile on under his mask.

He looked at it and he sat down in front of you and pulled out a pack of markers from his pocket and set them in front of you. He had some of his gear on him but he made sure he wasn't heavily armed. You handed him a piece of paper and set it in front of him and you gave him some crayons and such and got to coloring.

" Did you sleep last night ?."
He asked as he started to doodle with you.
" eh .."
You spoke.
You didn't talk much , only in one words sentences and tended to stay quiet but when you did talk it was very quickly but Ghodt understood what you wanted or needed with just the look in your eyes .

He could read you extremely well and new already what to do when you didn't speak and it's only been five days , he still doesn't know much about you and had been trying to make small talk to see who you were.
" Do you want to come out of this room today and maybe go outside ?."
He asked, hoping to get your attention and maybe get you some fresh air.

Luckily it did and you looked up at him and tilted your head slightly.
" What if something happens to me ?."
You said as you colored some more.
" you be okay I'll be with you ."
He replied as he looked at you.

The nurses that passed outside of the room were in awe and thought it was cute the way ghost was with you but they didn't dare tell anyone what they thought of it . It was unspoken but they all knew. He was soft spoken to you but harsh and cold towards others but he just wanted to help you, even protect .

" the doctors said you're good to leave but you still have to change your bandages."
He says.
You were healing well and ready to be discharged from the medical bay and sent off with ghost to your new place where you would be staying. Ghost first wanted to introduce you to the outside before anything.

" so are you up to going outside ?."
He asked again.
You gave a tiny nod and he nodded as well.
There was no need for you to get ready since you were dressing in a hood that covered your bandages and comfy pants . Ghost had brought you clothes since your old ones were crusty and dirty.

" then let's head outside ."
He says softly as he helped you clean up your crayons and such and put them on the desk in the room. As you got ready to head outside you went to look for your pocket knife but had forgotten that ghost had kicked it away from you when he first met you.

You sighed mentally and you popped on your sneakers and brushed yourself off a bit and you looked up at ghost and gave him a little look saying you were ready and he nodded and led you to the door.

You stood close to him as he walked you to the door but you stood back for a minute unsure of your actions. He patted your shoulder a little trying to reassure you and you took in a deep breath and got ready to leave.

Your thoughts ran as you thought going outside was a good plan but you counted the lines on your hand as you walked and began.

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