Chp 1

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A/n- chapters may tend to be short but trust me there will be a lot of chapters throughout

Tw- mentions of abuse

" stay the fuck away from me asshole !."
You yelled at the doctor in front of you as he stepped closer to you.
You were scared , alone and in a hurry but you couldn't go anywhere . You were trapped in a medical room but the doctor that had seen you did not get a pleasant welcome .

" we need to change your bandages , it will be quick ."
The doctor stated calmly as he went to go a little closer to you .
" you fucking sedated me before and wrapped them on me I didn't ask for fucking help you should've just left me where I was !."
You said as you pulled out the pocket knife you had with you as you held your side .

The blood had seeped through the bandages and had started to get extremely bloody. How you got into this situation was you were out on your own, living on the streets at the age of 12-14 after you had escaped from your abusive father who had done cruel things to you that you had never told a soul.

You had been impaled by a thin metal pipe in your side when you had stepped out onto the streets by a man who proceeded to take anything from you including money which left you without any food or water hence you were now broke .

You got the money by pickpocketing people on the streets , you knew it was wrong but you had to live somewhat comfortably on the streets and to feed yourself every so often . You couldn't work but you tried your best as you could to get a job.

You were found bleeding by a man but your Vision went blurry and you had blacked out and now woken up in a medical room. You faced the
Doctor , panicked and confused and you held the knife in a defensive position and you kept your eyes locked on him.

You didn't trust him , you didn't trust anyone for that matter . Whether it was a child , doctor, woman or man you didn't trust no one for shit.
" We sedated you because you tried to bite our nurse."
He started as he went closer to you a little, causing you to slash at him , nicking his hand causing blood to pour from it slowly .

He winced as he pulled away from you and he went to call for other nurses which didn't help.
Instead of a nurse popping in you saw a tall soldier standing before you , masked and armed.
He wore a skull mask and had gotten a fearful look from the doctor and he stepped away.

His eyes locked onto yours and you immediately creeped into the corner and held your knife closer to you to protect yourself.
" fuck off ."
You said sternly towards him.
" drop the weapon , I am not here to fight ."
He spoke , he was stern just like you but you didn't back down.
" Let. me. go ."
You said back angrily yet defensively.

You were cornered by some big ass masked man and that didn't help much . You wanted to run but there was nowhere to go since you didn't know your way back and we're still hurt . You wince as you move more and back up. Thankfully the pipe didn't Pearce all the way through hitting any vital parts of your body.

" I won't hurt you , just drop the knife and we can talk . "
He said calmly.
" What is your name ?."
He added .
" It's none of your business."
You seethed .
You didn't care who he was but you didn't want to tell him anything about yourself. You were off the radar and you planned to keep it that way but there was one man who knew you and it was him.

" I've seen you on the streets , looking around pick pocketing for a good while . I can help you get away from that life."
He said as he kneeled down to get on your level and to show you he meant no harm.
" I don't need you nor anyone here, I can work perfectly f-fine on my o-own."
You winced as you held your side and you pulled away from it to see blood on your hand.

" I beg to differ ."
He said as he got closer causing you to panic and go to stab him but he knocked the knife out of your hand quickly leaving you defenseless.
He kicked the knife away from you and stepped closer but he kneeled down again. He was about 2 feet away from you know making you nervous causing you to back up more but there was no room hence you were basically glued to the wall at this point .

" You need these ."
He said as he held up a roll of bandages.
" Let me change them for you. Can't let you bite anyone again ."
He added .
" What are you gonna do ? Muzzle me ?"
You said more stern get growing quiet as timed passed.
" if it's needed ."
He said simply.

" I don't need your damn help."

" Yet you do and that's what I'm gonna do ."

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