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"C'mon doc, we're headin' out." Sans returned later—how much later you couldn't say. The couch was quite comfy and sleep called your name.

You slowly blinked up at him, yawning. "It's too cold, I'll freeze to death out there." You weren't exactly bluffing. Even in the shed it was warmer than the frigid air outside, and you were in no condition to tempt fate. You still felt like death warmed over with your blood volume so low and leg still very broken, even if the lasagna seemed to heal you some.

"You askin' me to fuckin' clothe you too?" His glare had teeth, but you just shrugged.

"I want to help you, Sans, but you gotta help me first."

"Master," he corrected with a growl, then turned to stomp upstairs. You figured that was the end of it and closed your eyes again to return to blissful sleep, but then a shirt was thrown at your face. Pulling it off of you, you looked down at it. It had to be Sans' based on the dimensions and red color, and oddly it smelled like him—the odd part was that it didn't smell like death, but mustard and a musky pine-y outdoor scent. Not that you were complaining.

"Thanks, Master."

"Whatever." He brushed it off with a glowing eye roll and headed for the door. "C'mon." You stood shakily, then unbuttoned your white lab coat. You noticed the way he watched your movements sneakily, so you turned your back to him. Flowey helped you keep the coat up to block his view as you put the fluffy turtleneck on, surprised at how warm it was. Then you turned back to him as you put your arms through the coat sleeves. You were pretty sure he was checking you out as you walked over, but clearing your throat pulled him from whatever he was thinking.

"Boss said I could bring you with me." He headed out the door with that vague explanation, and you hustled to keep up despite your handicap.

"What are we doing?"

"Walkin'." Hilarious. You decided talking wasn't getting you anywhere, so you focused on getting your steps into a rhythm. Maybe if you had time you could grab a big stick to use like a cane. You should also probably figure out a way to get some winter clothes because the skirt barely reached your knees and the towel around your leg didn't really stop the cold from reaching you.

You two walked for a quite a while until you spotted the sentry station you passed on your way into Snowdin. Sans took the singular seat behind the station and watched as you debated where to sit down. When you tried to sit on the counter of the station, he shook his head. "You're blockin' the damn view." 

"That's why I'm here, right? To do the watching for you?" What were you looking for? You weren't sure.

"Get the fuck down 'ere." He pulled your sleeve so you fell into the snow. Guess you were going to have a wet butt. Not wanting to interact with the grouch more than necessary, you sat in the snow and waited for something to happen.

Nothing happened for the longest time. You spent that time examining the skeleton next to you, playing silent games with Flowey, drawing in the snow, and wondering what you would be doing on the Surface right now. Inevitably, your thoughts wandered back to Leon, but the thought that he abandoned you wouldn't get out of your head.

"You look upset." Sans sounded almost happy about that. You pulled your knees to your chest, staring ahead blankly.

"It was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend when I fell."

"I don't give a shit." His red eyelight rolled in his socket.

"We were going on a picnic on the mountain so we could watch the sunset from the best spot. He knows how much I love watching the sky turn into a painting."

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