"Why. It's not that bad. Just a big scar. And some little ones" He said

"I think they're ugly and they make me mad" I said

"Why" He asked

"Cause, I don't know. I just look at them and get frustrated" I said

"El, it's not that bad. No one's going to judge you for it. They might ask what happened but you're not going to get made fun of" He said

I just shrugged and got out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

"C'mon El. It's going to be hot as hell today and humid. Wear shorts" He said

"Nope." I replied

Going to the bathroom, I got changed and met John in the hall. I made sure I had my phone and we walked ot the kitchen.

"Oh John. I didn't know you stayed over" My aunt said

"Sup" Colin laughed

"Hey" He replied

"Your truck wasn't here when we got home. I didn't hear you come in either" My uncle said

"He brought me home and someone dropped his truck off" I said

"Headache?" My aunt said

"Yeah" I sighed

"Make sure you let them know this week. I'll even come with you so you remember" She said

"No, it's fine. I'll remember" I said

She nodded and we ate breakfast. It's always so good.

"What's everybody's plans for today?" My uncle asked

"Gonna go see Jenny" Colin said

"I don't know" I replied

"You want to go on a trail ride?" John asked

"Yeah why not" I shrugged

"Let's go" He said

I helped clean up and everyone dispersed. Grabbing my boots, I slipped them on and took my medicine. I only have a couple more days of meds and I kinda hope they give me more. But at the same time they said I can get addicted so maybe not giving me more would me a good idea. Oi.

"You ready" John said as I walked outside

"Yup. Just contemplating becoming a drug addict" I said

"What?" He asked

We both hopped in his truck and he looked at me.

"The meds they put me on. They said it can become addicting. It's not oxy but still" I said

"Well how much do you have left?" He asked

"Enough to get me to my appointment Wednesday. And they can either give me more. Or stop the meds. And I want more. But I probably shouldn't" I said

"Are you still in pain?" He asked

"Every now and then if I move wrong or do to much" I said

"Do you think you need the meds?" John said

"The one i'm on now no. But, I want more" I said

"You think they'll give you more?" He asked

"If I say i'm in a bunch of pain yeah. But if I keep my wits straight then i'll just take regular meds" I replied

"I'm going to come ask you after you get back. I'm gonna tell Kate to also" John said

"Why? Do you not trust me?" I asked

Cinderella..Ish?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें