"Bitch, no" I laughed

"Why, you even said you might have feelings for him" Kate said

"Okay. But that was how long ago. I went almost 6 months with out talking to him. Yeah I missed the kid, and I liked when I would see him. But.. I don't know" I said

"You think you'll go back to how you two were?" Kate said "You guys were having a ball when we were in Texas"

"I don't know. He came in my room this morning and we were chatting. It's fun to joke around with him. But.. ugh. His friends always get pissy, and then I feel bad" I pouted

"Yeah, you got along with them the last few months though" Kate said

"Cause I wasn't talking to John. He pretty much said his friends were excited him and I weren't talking so they can try and get with me. He always says all these guys are into me and.. I don't want that" I said

"What do you mean" She said

"I don't know" I replied shrugged

"You okay?" Kate asked

"I got my period this morning" I pouted

"Aw you're emotional" She laughed

I shrugged and she leaned on me, then Colin and John came inside.

"It's windy as hell" Colin said

"You guys are soaked" Kate laughed

"It's pouring" John said

They both sat down and I have cramps on top of residual pain. I'm also slightly depressed. I don't know why. Over thinking at it's finest. I only get like this once a month, and on bad days, but that's besides the point. I am blaming my period for the fact that I want to cry.

"My head hurts. I'm gonna go chill in my room... in the dark" I said

"You want me to come?" Kate asked

"Yeah" I nodded

Getting off the couch, I walked to my room and flopped on my bed. Oh, rib pain. I heard the door shut and felt Kate sit on the bed.

"You okay El?" She said

"I don't know. Flopping on my bed was a bad idea. But now i'm over thinking and I don't know. Why do periods make me emotional" I said

"You're not as bad as me" She laughed

"True" I nodded giving her a half smile

"What's going on though. Was it cause we were talking about John?" She asked

"Guys are dumb." I huffed

"Ohh mood swings. But elaborate" Kate laughed

"Oh shush" I chuckled "But, why does he tell me all these guys are into me. They are obviously not. Then again he even said I was hard to talk to. But we didn't get along at first. But does everyone think i'm hard to talk to? Surely they do now because of what happened with what's his face. Seriously I can't remember his name" I said

"Gavin?" Kate said

"Yeah. Did that make people think i'm a whore. Harry said they don't think that. John said they don't think that. But John also said they might be making stuff up to deter other guys from trying to talk to me. But no one really talks to me. Well, I don't try and talk to them. I have my small circle and probably do come off as hard to talk to" I said

"Babe. No one thinks you're a whore. You are far from it. And you are not hard to talk to. John somehow got to you. And you two never got along. So that should be a sign that you are not hard to talk to" Kate said

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