I looked at him, then sighed and nodded.

"Come here El" He smiled

Standing up off my bed, I wrapped my arms around the boy and put my face in his chest. I hate this because i'm crying in front of him, but I'm loving this hug right now. Stepping back I gave him a small smile and sat back on my bed. Then I patted next to me and he sat down as well. He didn't have shoes on so he put his legs up and leaned against the head board.

"Hey babes. I'm back. She's being a pain" Kate said

" I am not" I heard

"Yes mom. You are. Now hurry up before it gets bad out" Kate said

I just laughed and shook my head.

"There's a laugh" She smiled

"Yeah. You know what sucks.. I love the snow right... it was snowing the day of his funeral" I said, then more tears quietly spilled out

"Aw babe. That sucks" She said laughing at the end "If Linda here would hurry up, I could come see you"

"Kate you are not going out after we get home. It's snowing like crazy" Kate's mom said "I'm sorry Ella but I don't want her getting hurt"

"It's fine" I said waving my hand

"What are the boys doing?" Kate said

"Good question, but this one came in here cause he likes to show up when i'm crying" I said leaning on Johns shoulder

"Aww, hi John" Kate said

"Hey" He said then looked at me

"Yes?" I pouted

"Nothing" He did like a half laugh and put his arm around me while rubbing my shoulder

"Ok mom jeez. I swear to god this women is insane. I have to go because we are checking out then going to store number two." Kate said

"Okay" I pouted

"I love you. If you need anything text me. And I will let you know when I get home so we can facetime if you want. I know you don't really like face time" Kate said

"Yeah. Love you babe" I said

We both said bye and I sat up, then went back to scrolling through Facebook memories.

"I have a question" John said

"Yeah?" I asked

"Do you have any pictures of your mom?" John asked

"I don't have any good ones on my phone, but I have a scrapbook they had made when I was growing up" I said

"Do you mind showing me? Or will that make it worse" He asked

"No, I'll show you. I think it's in the botto3m of this drawer" I said

Getting up off of my bed I went through two drawers and finally found it. I kinda just sat on the floor for a second looking at it before standing up. Sitting on my bed again, I opened it up and we started flipping through.

"What are these magazine clippings?" John asked

"My mom was a barrel racer, she's the one that got me into it. My dad did roping. And was one of the guys who went out for the bull riders. So these are just articles about them" I said

"That's really cool. Then is this you" He laughed

"Yup. Baby me" I smiled

We continued to flip through the scrapbook and he asked about the horses. My mother had two horses she used for barrel racing. Growing up, I had used her older one because I didn't really compete.

Cinderella..Ish?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz