Chapter 1 - whatever makes you sleep at night

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Here. It. Is. Part two of the story. I only finished this first chapter so I'll update just as I go. I really hope you like it a lot is planned...please let me know what you think ❤️

Perrie POV

Freshly showered, pyjamas on, I lie down in the cosy hotel bed, snuggle into the pillows, remote in hand to turn anything on, even though I know I won't understand a word of Portuguese anyway. That's not what I'm after at all. I just want a little sprinkling in the background while I try to close my eyes, distract myself, maybe even fall asleep. Wistfully, I look at the empty bed next to me, at the untouched pillow, the still-made bed.

I take another deep breath before turning off the light, leaving only the TV to illuminate the room, and close my eyes wearily, trying to fall asleep. On show nights it is always almost impossible to fall asleep. I usually lie awake for hours, tossing and turning, and if Jade isn't next to me, who feels the same way, it's even harder. But at the moment there are really only show nights, this has been our everyday life for almost 7 weeks now and we still have about 20 to go. We all know that living on tour is a curse and a blessing at the same time. It's exciting, totally crazy, a lot of adventures, the most eventful, coolest, funniest time ever and at the same time so exhausting and tiring that on some days you wish you really had a day off and didn't just use it as a travel day on the plane for hours.

I check my phone again, don't see any new messages, take a deep breath a little sad about it, put it upside down on the bedside table, close my eyes and try to get over the adrenaline of the show and fall asleep quickly. Just as I was about to enter the deep sleep phase, the ringing of my phone pulls me out of the pillows.

"What the fuck," I moan out loud, wanting to ignore it, press the pillow to my ears and pretend I didn't hear anything. But my protective wife mode kicks in. I can't help grumbling loudly as I turn on the light, sit up and pick up the phone. I groan even louder when I see that it's not Jade calling me.

"Leigh, I'm trying to sleep," I grumble at her, but she doesn't listen to me at all, not really.

"Is Jade with you?" she asks me frantically, which makes me frown.

"No, she did leave with you," I remind her, "In what world would she leave before you and without telling you."

"She's gone," she says, sounding exasperated.

"What do you mean she's gone?", I ask quietly, trying to picture the situation, knowing full well that I have the sober mind to do so.

"She just disappeared, off the face of the earth," she elaborates. "I've searched the whole club, everywhere really, she's just gone!"

"She'll turn up, it's not the first time," I remind her.

"You don't understand, this is different, I've looked everywhere," she remains serious. "This is Sao Paulo, it's dangerous here, the area didn't look so safe even when we drove here!"

"You have the security with you," I remain rational. "And everywhere in South America looked dangerous and she kept showing up."

The show must go on Part II.Where stories live. Discover now