Chapter 11:A Date Maybe

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In a serene morning, a beautiful woman who appears to be the embodiment of many mens dreams is seen waking up and inching towards her big balcony.

She enjoys the sound of birds chirping in the big garden below.
She is the young lady of one of the richest and one of the oldest houses in the US, The Lansir House, Sea Lansir.

n her nightgown, the Sea stood on the balcony of her vast mansion, overlooking her expansive garden. The early morning light bathed the landscape in a soft glow, enhancing the vibrant colors of the flowers that adorned the grounds. With a serene expression, she gazed upon the scene before her.

The melodious songs of birds filled the air, their cheerful chirping creating a symphony of nature. They flitted from branch to branch, their graceful movements adding life and joy to the picturesque setting. The beauty's eyes followed their flight, captivated by their elegance and freedom.

The garden itself was a masterpiece of nature's artistry. Lush greenery surrounded exquisite flower beds, each bloom carefully chosen and meticulously tended to. Roses, tulips, and daisies bloomed in harmony, their petals gently swaying in the gentle breeze.

As sea enjoyed the scenery lost in her thoughts, a  scene unfolded on the balcony of the grand mansion forming a masterpiece of living art.
Like an angel, draped in her ethereal nightgown, as the central figure, exuding grace and elegance.

A knock suddenly came seemingly disrupting the serene scene.

"Come in." Sea answered Carmila, her maide, a bubbly but diligent one.

"Yes, little miss." She opened the door and came in. Before she even closed the door, she suddenly started chattering, "So miss, did you have a sweet night with good dreams? and are you ready for the bath?"Which clothes do you want, my lady? I prepared your food too, I.."

Suddenly Carmila had her mouth shut by a wry Sea who let the maide calm down a bit before saying, "Mila, you know you talk too fast, right?" After taking her hands off, she continued, "Anyways, please prepare my bath, I will freshen up a bit and have the food before that, good?"

"Yes, miss!" Happily accepted her job. Carmila rushes to being the food before she can prepare the bath for her young miss.

'Sigh.... such high energy after just waking up from a sad dream.' Sea thought to herself.

She began to do her morning duties while pondering over the dream. In the dream, she had her happiest day when wedding Zue, but somehow it felt sad to her when after the wedding she was suddenly all alone in a dark space by herself, lonely and scared.

'Such a scary place to be at, I don't want to be like that.' Sea thought to herself before undressing herself in front of a giant silver decorated mirror admiring the work of art, which she rightfully is before getting into the bath.

After getting herself dressed and going to meet her parents who were always busy with company matters, she busied herself by reading a book.

"Miss!! What are you reading today!?" Chirped Carmila to Sea while bringing her a cup of milk tea and cookies.

Looking at Carmila unconscious smile appeared on Sea's face before she replied, "Oh, it's nothing, just another book on acting... why ask suddenly?" Intrigued by Carmila's sudden curiosity, she couldn't help but question.

"Nothing miss, just you always seem to be interested in acting, as you seem to always like to read about it, so couldn't contain my curiosity..." Carmila seemed troubled, but at the same time, curiosities filled her jolly face.

Seeing her like that, she knew it may be something she deemed beyond her level to ask, but Sea couldn't wait to know what she felt about her tastes, "So... what's it, Mila? Is there something you want to know?... You can ask me about it."

Seeing that she got the permission Carmilla unloaded the question that troubled her, "Miss, if you like acting this much could you not participate in some film shootings, I am sure Mr and Mrs Lansir won't teounle you and may as well support you, you are even good at singing too...So why?"

"Sigh.. It's not like that.... I... I... just like it, Mila... not.. not that much... it's just..." Suddenly, a call interrupts her mid sentence, "Oh! A call... let me get this one quick."

"But miss.."

She suddenly took the phone to answer as if avoiding the talk at all before Carmila could even retort.

"Hello?" she said.

"Sea, it's me, Zue," hearing the voice, Sea couldn't help but feel jubilant and excited as Zue her BF and soon to be husband haven't called her since their graduation weeks ago.

"Zue, oh my god," she said, sounding surprised and then worried as she didn't know why he called after such a long time.

"I wasn't expecting a call from you. Is everything okay?" Sea asked to confirm if everything is okay.

"I'm fine, Sea. I just wanted to talk to you," Zue said. His sound was a little sad, but at the same time, different from usual.

"Okay, what is it?" Sea asked, sounding cautious as she couldn't help but feel the difference just by hearing his voice.

"I was hoping we could meet up and talk," again surprised the words she heard from the other side by Zue.

"Talk?" Sea asked, her voice tinged with confusion. "About what?" Although nervous, she was happy with the way everything seemed to go.

"I don't know, Sea. Catch up. It's been a while," Hearing his voice breaking in middle, she couldn't help but worry again.

"Are you sure everything is okay, Zue? You sound...different," Sea said, her voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine, Sea. I just realized how much I miss you, and I wanted to see you. So, will you meet me at the Starbucks on Sunset and Vine? Around 11 am?" Zue said with love in his voice.

Hearing what she just heard from Zue, she couldn't help but form a beautiful smile on her face and took little time to calm her hyper emotions.

"Okay, Zue. I'll see you there," she said before hanging up. She couldn't take it anymore.

Her emotional state had nervousness and happiness blended with confusion with a tinge of worry and a little bit of giddiness.

Seeing the emotional blend happening in front of her, the innocent maide couldn't help but ask, "Miss, what did Mr.Zue say. You seem much happier about it. Should I prepare something?"

Hearing her words, Sea came back to her senses and suddenly ordered Carmila to bring her dresses to wear to this date?

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