Chapter 7: The Game Plan

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Zoro and Zue emerged from their mansion and got into their car after bidding farewell to his wife, and received her blessings before leaving for an emergency company meeting with their stakeholders and shareholders. This meeting was necessary as their business territory in the USA was under threat by the hostile takeover bid of their competitor, Zokoran Limited. Zoro was worried about the future of their family business, Zainkalato Corporation, but he knew that he had the support of his lovely wife Susan, his long time family friend and partner, Harrison Lansir and behind him the connections of Lansirs, and his son who has changed for the better.

As they arrived at the boardroom, Zoro introduced Zue to everyone present. The board of directors included the Lansir family head, Harrison Lansir, who was also Sea's dad, the Zhang family backer, the Anderson family lead by Mr and Mrs Anderson, the individual stakeholder representative, Whatson Phisher, and the elected public director, Ramo Sinetsa.

Harrison Lansir was the first to speak. "Zoro, we have a serious problem on our hands. Zokoran Limited is trying to encroach on our business territory, and we can not let that happen."

"I agree," said Zoro. "We need to find a way to stop them."

"What options do we have?" asked Thomas Anderson, the representative of the Anderson family asked.

"We could try to outbid them," suggested Ramo Sinetsa.

"But that would be a risky move," said Whatson Phisher. "We don't want to overpay and hurt our own business."

The discussion continued for several minutes, with each board member offering their own opinions and ideas. Zue listened carefully to everyone's input, taking notes on his tablet. He noticed that many of the ideas were similar but lacked a clear and concise plan of action.

"Excuse me, everyone," Zue spoke up. "I have an idea that I think might work."

Everyone turned to look at him. They were surprised to hear from someone so young, but they were willing to hear him out.

"I've been looking at our financial statements and analyzing our competitors," Zue continued. "Based on my research, I think we should approach some of our larger investors and ask them to increase their stakes in our company. This will give us the financial leverage we need to resist Zokoran's takeover bid."

"That's an interesting idea," said Thomas. "But which investors should we approach?"

Zue pulled up a slide on his tablet that showed a list of potential investors, along with their current stakes in the company.

"These investors already have a significant stake in our company," Zue explained. "If we can get them to increase their stake, we can create a strong defense against Zokoran's bid."

The board members looked at the slide and nodded in agreement. They could see the potential in Zue's plan.

Zue looked around the boardroom, his eyes scanning the faces of the board members. He noticed that Whatson Phisher, the individual stakeholder representative, looked skeptical about his proposal. Zue decided to address Mr. Phisher's concerns directly.

"Mr. Phisher, I know you may have some reservations about this plan," Zue said. "But I believe it's the best option we have to resist Zokoran's takeover bid."

Mr. Phisher looked up, surprised that Zue had addressed him specifically. "What makes you so confident that this plan will work, young man?"

Zue took a deep breath and launched into his explanation. "Well, first of all, we already have a solid base of investors who believe in our company. By reaching out to them and asking them to increase their stake, we're showing them that we're committed to our business and that we value their investment. This will also give us a strong financial position to resist any hostile takeover bid from Zokoran."

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