Chapter 10: To get Fortune from a Past Shadow

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After a long and audacious hours of thinking and working on his future move, Zue stopped working a not to follow his old self got up and went to shower so as to give his body and mind the rest it needed.

Zue opened the shower and stood under the warm jets of water, letting the heat soothe his weary muscles while his mind wandered. As the water cascaded over him, he again wandered to his past memories, trying to dig up all the possibilities he could use or missed.

But suddenly, he remembered something, or more like someone. A man who even if he tried to couldn't shake the memory off.

Ghaleez, Ghaleez Salekrov was his name, a notable, cunning, and powerful-minded individual who had caused Zainkalato to suffer years of turmoil in his previous life.

Deep in thought, Zue replayed the events in his mind. Ghaleez, a second-generation mixed-race man in America, had faced numerous hardships, trying to support his three sisters and provide medical care for his comatose mother. Although sounding as miserable, he didn't go down. Despite his difficult circumstances, Ghaleez possessed a remarkable intellect and a sharp mind, making him a valuable asset in the business world.

As Zue was reminiscing, he couldn't help but sigh, "Thank God l remembered about him before they caught a hold of him."

He knew if this guy was left alone, he would join Zokoran as to get revenge on the hospital, who caused his mother to pass away because of poor treatment to poor people.

Realizing the potential that lay within Ghaleez, Zue saw an opportunity, "I should create a chance to bring him into my camp before Zokoran gets to him. Although they are laying low now, i can't help but worry."

He thought aloud to make his determination to bring Ghaleez over, "If Ghaleez could be swayed to work with them, he could be instrumental in propelling my plans to new heights and mitigating the adversities they had faced in the past. Can't forget that it affects Sea's dream.

After the outburst of determination coursing through his veins, Zue finished his shower and quickly dressed himself.

He knew he had to act swiftly if he wanted to secure Ghaleez's allegiance. Grabbing his phone, he dialed a number he had saved after visiting his company in the past. An employment agent who had told the story of Ghaleez to him when he went to bar last life due depression.

"Hello, this is Zue, Zue Zhang of Zainkalato Corporation's Zhang family." he greeted the person on the other end of the line.
With the dignity of a young master he asked, "I'm interested in offering a position to a talented individual named Ghaleez Salekrov. Is there any way you can arrange a meeting between us?"

The voice on the phone hesitated for a moment as he wondered why such a big man called him directly before responding respectfully to avoid misfortune, "I'll see what I can do Sir, but please understand that Ghaleez is highly sought after individual due to his skills, but his background is bit.... You'll have to be more careful, sir, to convince him to join you."

Zue understood what the agent wanted to tell him, as Ghaleez's circumstances had made him cautious and discerning in choosing his path he may appear a bit rude and not appreciated. Zue needed to present a proposition that would not only offer financial stability but also appeal to Ghaleez's sense of purpose and responsibility towards his family.

So he urged the agent to not worry, and however it may, just get him a face to face engagement with Ghaleez.

Days turned into nights as Zue meticulously thought about his approach. He researched Ghaleez's background, understanding the struggles he had faced and the burdens he carried.

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