Rain's feelings 🥰

Bắt đầu từ đầu

He starts cooking... he was cutting veggies... boiling noodles... he was also preparing so many other things which Rain could not see from far...

But Rain kept on admiring how sexy Payu was looking with those apron on...

Rain could not take his eyes off Payu...

Only thing he could remember is that Payu told he was jealous...

As Rain was staring at Payu now he starts to realise why Payu was getting jealous...

Payu was getting jealous because Loth was close to Rain...

And Payu could not see Rain close to Loth...

But Rain was not sure 🤔 what type of jealousy was that...

Is that only when he was with Loth or with anyone else also will Payu will get jealous...??

Finally Payu finishes cooking and arranges the table...

Payu : Rain come food is ready...

Rain goes to dining table... he was so happy to see his favourite meat balls were on table...

Payu : You like meat balls rite...???

Rain : Hmmm yes...

Payu : So only I cooked it...
You can have as much as you want...

And please don't let anyone feed you...

Rain : Why..???

Payu : I told you am jealous...!!!

Rain : Why are you jealous...
There should be a reason.. ??

Payu : I don't know the reason...
Don't ask so many questions...

Payu takes big piece of meat ball and puts it inside Rain mouth...

Rain : But how come you are feeding me...???

Payu : I told don't let others feed you...
Not me got it...

Rain : Your confusing me so much...

Payu : Don't get confused now have your food...

Rain was eating food and suddenly he starts to gets hiccups...

Payu : Can't you eat slowly...

And makes Rain to drink water...

Rain was having butterflies when Payu was doing all those to him...

Expect his parents no one ever did those things to him...

After having the food..

Payu : Rain your still in hangover...
It's Saturday rite... You can take rest here...

If it was before Rain would shout at Payu and go back home...

Now Rain wanted to stay... his heart wanted to stay here with Payu...

So Rain agrees...

Rain : Okay fine.. any how my head is spinning I'll take some rest...

Payu : Where do you want to sleep...

Bed room or Guest room...???

Rain starts to think...


Rain : I want to take rest in bedroom...

Payu : Okay fine then I will go sleep in guest room...

Rain wanted to stop Payu... but don't know how to stop him and tell him to sleep in the same room...

Saying that Payu leaves and goes to guest room...

Rain was left alone in Payu's bedroom....

Rain goes and lays on the bed...

Rain could now clearly see those love making scenes which happened on the same bed...

Rain heart was beating like crazy...

After few hours of taking rest finally Rain comes down...

Payu was also awake and was cleaning the dishes...

Rain : Don't you have maids...?

Payu : No.. I don't..
Am alone at home so I don't have much works to do...

Payu continues...
Rain are you feeling better now.... ??
Shall I drop you home..???

Rain : Hmm yes...

Payu then takes Rain and drops Rain at his home...

Payu was about to leave when Rain approached him...

Rain : Thank you so much...

Payu : For what...

Rain : For the food and the meat balls I liked it a lot...

Payu : Oh that's fine... bye take care...

Rain : Bye..

Rain goes inside home...

Rain mom : Was it Payu who dropped you..

Rain : Yes...

Mom : Why did not you call him inside..??

Rain : Why should I...

Mom : God Rain you will not understand anything... go... go to your room...

Rain goes to his room...

He falls on the bed...

But only Payu was coming in front of his eyes...

He starts to miss Payu... so much...

Rain : What is really happening to me...
What are these feelings called as...???

Payu reached home...

Even Payu was missing Rain so much...

Payu : Why am missing Rain so much...???
Why did I get jealous...???

Omggggg what type of feelings is this...

Both Payu and Rain are not able to recognise their own feelings..
They are getting confused and messed up...

End of chapter......!!!!!
Will see how their feelings will develop in coming chapters...❤️

My heartless sweetheart 😍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ