16~ What's going on?

82 13 3

"When i move its an earthquake rumble, I will never ever fall never stumble, and I don't need to be humble, break down walls like Jericho crumble"...


Just cuz I'm obsessed with the song 🥹.

Also. Super short chapter. I'm so sorry 😭

The birds around the vicinity flew away in response to that loud unknown sound. No one really wants to die regardless if its a human or animal.

But the fight was fierce, one could feel the energy of hatred, evil, determination and survival.

The boys fought with such ferociousness that one could almost not recognize them.

They had long managed to free their hyungs from the bondage and were protecting them while fighting and despite their malnourished state, the hyungs couldn't just leave their younger ones alone in this so they joined and fought as hard as they could.

Taehyung on one hand has somehow developed insane strength and speed which was revealed by Taemin to may have been caused by the elixir which he had unknowingly consumed when his biscuit fell into the liquid earlier.

Jimin on the other hand was accidentally shot by Taehyung who was finding it difficult to control his new found powers by the bullets which contained the elixir, thankfully Taemin was able to get the bullet out but since the bullet was shot close to his heart, the elixir had somehow managed to mix with his blood thereby also causing him to develop powers different from that of Tae.

"Wait, so you're saying they're gonna have these powers forever?" Jungkook asked

"I'm not sure. It depends. Normally the elixir kills off any evil but it helps the chosen ones so them developing powers is nothing new but I've never really bothered to check if the powers last forever". Taemin shrugged.

"Uh guys? I don't think that should be what we're bothered by now. We have to escape before we get killed". Hoseok winced.

"Hyung is right. Come on guys". Jungkook said and they all ran into the battle field except for Jimin and Taemin.



"Is there no way we can get rid of all of them at once. My hyungs can barely hang on to their life. And they're over a thousand, there's no way the four of us can defeat them alone, we're humans so we'll get tired. I don't want to have to experience the feeling of loosing someone so please, if there's a way then let me know. No matter what it is... The life of my family is at stake. Please".

Taemin stared for a while, he saw the innocence and pain the younger had in his eyes. He wondered if he should say anything.

He knew Jimin, even though he barely knows him.

Jimin is the type of person that wouldn't hesitate to put his life on the line for the people he loved.

And he knew the younger would completely break down and blame himself for the rest of his life if something was to happen to any of his people.

But did they feel the same way?...

"There's only one way Jimin but-"

"I'm ready". Jimin said without thinking twice.

"Jimin its too dangerous". He sighed.

"Honestly, at this point I don't even care anymore. When I set out on this journey few weeks ago, I just had one thing on my mind. To rescue them". He said staring up at his hyungs fighting against the monsters. A tear rolled down his eyes as he stared at the state they were in but yet, they're fighting together with them.

"I didn't know where I was going or what to do. I felt so much responsibility all at once and it was... it was scary, I was scared. Not just for me but for the younger ones I had with me, for the older ones we set out to find. I went through so much, so many inexplicable emotions n experiences and now that I'm finally here, you want me to give up?. You think I care about my life?. If that was the case then I wouldn't have fought so hard to remain alive to save them, if that was the case then I would never have set foot into this journey. I've been living my life for them, I've been surviving for them, and now that they're all here in front of me, I'll do absolutely anything to save them. So please Hyung, please".

Taemin sighed. "What about them?. Do you think they'll be okay if you don't survive?".

He sighed, a tear rolling down his cheeks.

"They'll hurt. For a few days or weeks, even months .. But is it not better for one person to leave rather than 6?".

Taemin nodded understanding his point. With a very heavy breath, he sighed.

"Okay then. Here's what will happen...".

I don't even have the right to apologize for what I've done.

Buh I'm sorry.

Writer's block has been killing me. Not just in this book but the other books I'm writing as well.

It feels like I've lost my muse or reason to write....

But as I promised, I won't leave these books hanging.

I'll definitely finish them.

And also, still... I am so sorry y'all

Please do forgive me 🥺.

Thank u n I love you ❤️.

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