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"My heart can't take this damage"
{XXXtentacion- change}.


Whats a soulmate?

What do you think or feel a soulmate really is?.

For me..... A soulmate is like a best friend but more.... Its the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. Someone who makes you a better person, actually they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself because THEY inspire you. A soulmate is the one who knows you and accepts you no matter the way you are, someone you can call your own, someone who you KNOW you can turn to when the entire world turns their back on you. Someone who believes in you when no one else would and no matter what happens you'll always love them, nothing can ever change that because they are practically you and YOU are them.

And if you look closely, there are three highlited words there. The first one being "They", the second being " know" and the third being "you". Its ironic how from a whole explanation, just three simple words that explains the entire truth exists there. THEY KNOW YOU and thats it, thats all there is to it.

And thats what Taehyung thought but now he realized the other was much more than a soulmate to him, Jimin was more than that.

Jimin was his ray of light in his darkest of days, Jimin was his superhero when he thought he didn't need one, Jimin was his other half, his only one in the world, his............................. his lifeline.

He couldn't think of a life without Jimin, just the thought of it made his heart stop.

He wiped his tears and combed his fingers through the older's now dirty blonde hair, this wasn't meant to happen, this wasn't supposed to happen. Jimin doesn't deserve this, no one did. He was too pure and too good to go through such pain, such evil, such cruelty.

"Why did it have to be you my Jiminie, why?" Taehyung cried, wiping the blood from the older's palms with a clean cloth he got from the kitchen earlier. He dipped the cloth in a bowl of water he brought along with the cloth.

He brought it out of the water about to squeeze it again but sighed and dropped it. It was no use anyway as there was no more blood on him. He brought the older's hand to his lips and gave it a light but steady peck.

"Please, please wake up minie, I want to see your beautiful brown eyes and get in lost in them again" he gave a shaky breath and kissed the palm. "I want to see your eyes disappear as you smile again" he sniffed and kissed the finger tip of his index finger. "I want to hear your angelic voice again". He kissed the tip of his middle finger. "I want to be able to hear your beautiful laughter again". He sighed closing his eyes as he kissed the tip of the next finger. "I want hear you scold and correct me again". He kissed the tip of his pinky finger. "I want to be able to tease you again" he sniffed and held his hand, kissing the back. "We still have so much to do, we have to leave here, save our hyungs and maknae, get out of this place and back to our career, back to our family and fans. How can BTS work without one of its pillars Jimin, tell me how?, please, wake up and tell me how". He cried with his eyes closed.

The demon that has long be forgotten sat there in boredom and strangely amusement, he had to be honest, he has never seen a relationship like the one those two shared, he almost cracked a smile at how desperate Taehyung was to bring Jimin back to life. Even to the extent of striking a deal with a vicious demon just to save his friend's life, he would laugh if he could. But now he was getting bored sitting and watching, when was the pretty boy going to wake up?, he was too tired for this.

And as if time stopped, he heard it, that beautiful voice he loved so much slowly but breathingly whisper his name. "Taehyung".

Taehyung couldn't help the tear that slipped out again, how he wished it was real. "Tae". He smiled, he always loved it when Jimin would call him that, everyone else did call him that but whenever his soulmate would do it, his heart would take a flip, it always gave him so much joy.

His eyes flew open when the hand on his gently squeezed his own. And when he opened his eyes, God he felt like dying right there and then, not out of pain or sadness but out of complete joy and ecstacy.

"Jimin" he whispered to the older who smiled weakly and nodded.

"Y-you're awake" he stuttered.

"Obviously" Jimin laughed weakly.

Taehyung stared in disbelief, just moments ago he felt he had lost his world but now, now he could feel the life plug right back in him jolting him awake and he was beyond happy.

"Tae... Help me up" Jimin said breaking him from his trance. He quickly nodded amd lifted the older, then shifted to sit behind him so that Jimin can rest on his body. Back against the younger's chest, Jimin sighed, suddenly all the memories from what happened to him earlier flooded his head. He gasped and look down at his stomach where a hole was supposed to be but instead he was shocked to see his stomach all healed, he slowly raised up his shirt and gasped, there was not even a single scratch there, it was all normal just like it always has been.

"Ta-Tae? Taehyung" he called out.

"Yes Jimin?, is something wrong? Do you need anything?"

Jimin pointed to his stomach. "Di-didn't i get stabbed?, not even stabbed, that thing literally went through me, then how-"

"Forget it Jimin" Taehyung said cutting him off.

"What do you mean? What did you do Kim?" Jimin said glaring at the blue haired male. Taehyung sighed. "Jimin-"

"No Tae- ouch" Jimin gasped and clutched his stomach in pain.

"Jimin listen to me, I'll tell you everything but first, relax, please" Tae pleaded. Jimin may have been healed but he wasn't completely healed yet, he needed rest, lots of them.

"Whe-where is he?"

"Jimin listen-"

"Where is that demon Taehyung?". Taehyung sighed, Jimin was not going to let this one go.

"Did you miss me princess?" The demon spoke up, Jimin gasped, he looked different, he transformed into something else, something scarier and Jimin found himself moving backwards in fear, the demon gave a sinister laugh and suddenly the image of how he literally died earlier flashed through his mind causing him to jump into the younger's arms.

Taehyung held unto Jimin trying to soothe the shaking boy. "Shh, I'm here Jimin, I'm here" he whispered continuously brushing his hair with his fingers when something wet fell on his neck, he looked down and saw tears in the older's eyes, he must still be in shock, he thought.

"Jimin" he whispered.

"He almost killed you Tae, if- if i hadn't pushed you away then you-"

"Shh, Its okay, I'm here with you" Taehyung said feeling his own tears building up. Despite everything, Jimin was still thinking about him.

No, no he couldn't do this. He can't take this, he just can't. Why wasn't Jimin ready to understand and believe that he can do as much for him?. Why doesn't Jimin believe that he's strong enough to care for himself? Why? Just why?.

This is just too much for Taehyung to take, his heart wasn't strong enough for this, his heart wasn't ready to take such damage.

He just couldn't.

Okay here we go, Jimin survived, yaay.

Chapter was not proof read cuz i was in a hurry to publish, so please excuse all my mistakes and grammatic errors.

Thanks a lot for reading 🙏.
Fighting ✊.
Borahae 💜.

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