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I can feel the pain deep in my heart, breaking every piece of peace i have left..... I'm hurt .


"Hyung.... Wake up hyung, jimin hyung"

Jimin opened his eyes to see a smiling jungkook in front of him, his smile was so cute and apparently contagious that jimin couldn't help but smile back.

"Good morning hyung" he greeted.

"Morning kookie, where is tae?" He asked looking around as he couldn't find the boy.

"He's washing his face" he replied.

"Aah ok" he simply replied as he stood up and headed towards the river to also wash his face.


"Hyung look at that" Jimin turned at the tone of the younger boy. It was afternoon and for some reason, the sun was scorching hot today. They have been on the move for a few hours now and they were kinda tired too.

"How the fuck did that get here?" Jimin spoke with a shocked expression. He was sure when he looked over here before that house wasn't there but now, out of nowhere it just suddenly appeared.

Taehyung moved towards the house and so did Jungkook, Jimin just stood wondering how a house could suddenly appear out of nowhere that he didn't notice his younger ones moving there.

"Stop" Jimin yelled and immediately grabbed Taehyung's hand that was about to touch the door but he was a bit late, Taehyung's hand had already grazed the door causing a little puff of smoke from the door. The smoke immediately dissapeared and Jimin glared at Taehyung.

"Are you insane, how could you just touch the door, we have no idea where this house came from, or who the fuck it belongs to, we don't even know what thing is inside, do you want to get us killed?, huh?, I expected this from Jungkook not you taehyung, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jimin yelled at Taehyung causing Jungkook to shift his leg a little uncomfortably, he hated it when any of his hyungs fought, it made him feel sad.

"Hyung please, don't get angry at him"

"Stay out of this Jungkook"

"Hyung please, I don't think Taehyung hyung is feeling good".

Jimin turned to look at him, turns out jungkook was right. Taehyung had this sleepy eyes, it seems as if something was slowly taking over his head.

"Jimin I'm sor-" Taehyung tried to say but he fell and that was the last thing he remembered.

"Shit" Jungkook grabbed him before he hit his head, Jimin crouched down and held him. "Tae?, Tae what happened?" He wasn't moving, and Jimin was starting to feel scared.

Just then, the door to the mystery house opened and a young handsome man approached. He crouched down next to Jimin and examined Tae for a while, he then sighed. "Come in" he said in the most calming voice the boys have ever heard.

That was when Jimin looked up at him, "Who are you? And why do you think I'll take your help?" The way he said it made it sound a bit rude compared to how he wanted it to sound.

"Who I am doesn't matter now, looks like your friend needs some help, we can talk more while we are inside. So do you want to help your friend or I'll close my door back" he smiled.

Jimin just sat there, he wasn't sure whether to believe this guy's fake smile, he had to be careful, this forest is full of dangerous species and he's come across a couple of them to know. The guy was obviously starting to grow impatient as Jimin refused to answer him still, so Jungkook who has been quitely observing since spoke up. "Uhm sure, thanks for your help" he stated as he picked Taehyung up in bridal style and took him into the house, Jimin following slowly behind. He was only doing this for Taehyung.

HUNTED SOULMATES (vmin)Where stories live. Discover now