6~Give up?

85 12 14

"You are not alone, we are family"
{Unity~Alan walker}.


"Okay Taehyung, breathe"

"I'm trying Jimin, this isn't easy, you know it's my first time"

"It's my first time too Tae and it's really really painful and heavy"

"I know and I'm sorry I can't help"

"No, don't blame yourself Tae, it's not your fault. I know we can do this, just a little more"

Taehyung sighed for the umpteenth time, using a hand grinder to grind meat is the hardest thing possible.

Earlier, they had decided to find something to eat since their stomach was grumbling nonstop demanding for food while they were busy searching for the elixir which God knows where it could be cuz they have literally searched every corner of this mansion three times already but still nothing.

After deciding, they came to the kitchen which they hardly did since they literally moved in about a week ago, searching everywhere for something to eat and surprisingly, the kitchen was literally stuffed with food, like everything was there, well almost everything. Taehyung still couldn't comprehend how a hunted mansion that has been abandoned for so long could contain such fresh and still very good food.

At first they were hesitant to touch anything but Jimin was too hungry to even care, so he grabbed whatever his hand could reach and decided to cook something which is why they are in the situation they were in right now.

Apparently the electronics aren't working which is dumb cuz how on earth can electronics work in such a place.

Now they were suffering the feeling of hard labour. The electronics weren't working but they found somethings that performed thesame functions, for example the hand grinder which they were having difficulty with.

"Oh oh oh, its working Jimin, we're doing it" Tae exclaimed, excited at the fact the the hand grinder was moving smoothly now.

"See, i told you not to worry" Jimin smiled.

After a while, they were done with the meat and Jimin immediately got to work with the food. Thankfully the gas cylinder was full and the gas cooker- although a bit rusted- was still working perfectly.

Tae stuck with Jimin throughout, helping with whatever the older needed and soon after, they were done.

Jimin placed the pot of hot ramen on the dining table alongside the plate of well cooked meatballs and white kimchi. It was not much but atleast they could eat at all. And Jimin couldn't help but wonder if Jungkook has eaten as well, if his hyungs are eating properly. He was so worried and fraustrated but when he looked up to see the smiling black haired man child in front of him, his worries suddenly vanished.

"Thank you for the food" Tae giggled before digging in, in seconds his cheeks were stuffed and he looked so adorable at that moment that Jimin couldn't look away.

"Aren't you eating?" He asked with a stuffed cheek and pouty lips.

Jimin smiled. "Just watching you eat makes me feel full".

Tae chuckled. "Yah, what has come over you, you're sounding like Jin hyung".

Jimin laughed and picked up his fork, " Yea yea, lets eat".

Its been so long since Jimin ate, since both of them ate. A whole week to be precise. They later realised that the bag in which had their food was with Jungkook, they had survived on fruits since then, so yea, you can imagine how hungry they must be.

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