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"Please you stay alive"
{Stay Alive - BTS Jung kook}.

I am so sorry,like so sorry. Please don't kill me, for BTS's sake aye,I know its been almost more than half a year already and I'm so sorry...
I hope u like this chapter😩😘😘❤


It wasn't easy, it was never easy to have to live without your soulmate, especially knowing he died because of you. Every single day, every single hour, every single damn second that passes by, he could feel his best friend's presence.

He would constantly see Taehyung's boxy smile, hear his cute laughter, smell his cologne, everything felt so different, even after he had found a way to save everyone else, it was good but he never truly felt happy, neither did the others.

Jimin sighed for the umpteenth time, staring at the stars every night didn't help, it only reminded him of how much Taehyung loved staring at the stars at night. "I'm still waiting for you Taehyungah" he whispered, a strand of tear escaping his eye to which he quickly wiped of.

He refused to accept that Taehyung has left this world, he must still be alive somewhere, maybe just waiting to be saved? Or he's taking his time to come back to him. Jimin giggled, Tae has always been one to give and not receive, he always acted hard to get but in reality he would always be the one to come first to him.

Jimin has tried so many times to go back in that mansion but he's never been able to, he knew it was a futile action but he wanted his Tae back, he didn't care anymore.

Which is why for the past three days, he's been sitting outside the mansion, waiting for Taehyung to come so they can both go save their hyungs and find their maknae. He didn't know but he had a cogent feeling that Taehyung was still alive.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize the figure staring down at him with nothing but pity and sympathy for the male.

"Jiminah" the male jumped up immediately upon hearing his name,that's when he finally realized the old man before him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

The man smiled. "I'm just a passing comrade" .

Jimin stood up and glanced around the man. He felt this unwavering feeling of peace and anger at once.

"It seems to me that you need some help?" The old man asked.

Jimin barely smiled as he shook his head. "No Sir, I'm fine don't worry".

The old man stared for a while,and eering feeling hanging in the air before he spoke again. "Maybe you don't but I'm sure your friend does".

Jimin's eyes widen in surprise. "How?"

The man laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly now did I?" He paused. Jimin stared blankly.

"I'm Min Zul, the first of the Min clan, the first sorcerer to exist after thousands of years, a wandering spirit of a hundred years and of course,the sole owner of the mansion you're standing right in front of"

Jimin tried to register whatever has been said at the moment. "Wait so you're the owner of this house and you died a hundred years ago but you're still here as a wandering spirit and you're a sorcerer and your name is Min Zul,the first of your people.... Wow" he exclaimed.

The man laughed.

"Can you help me save Tae? Please?" Jimin pleaded. Honestly,he's seen so much already so nothing shocked him anymore, he just wanted his Tae back.

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