Academic Rivals 2/2

Start from the beginning

"The only thing for you to know is now you are his fiancee and you guys will get married as soon as possible after you become healthy," he said and walked out.

She was not even thinking about reyansh anymore her only thought was roaming around was, her father doesn't even cared about her.

And where is her mother?

They didn't even cared about her... Even when she tried to kill herself.

She really is unlucky.

Tears were slowing kissing her cheeks. Reyansh observed her and took her healthy hand into his and started to talk.

"Aarohi, look by time you must have got to know how much importance they give you, I don't know if you're gonna accept it or not the truth, you too know it. They don't care about you,"

Yes he was right they don't care about her.

"I know, me becoming your fiancee is insane since our families are not in good terms with each other. But some how they joined there hands with eachother for our marriag, "

" I know you don't have any feelings for me but"

" I have, I love you so much Aarohi, so much that I can't describe in words, just give me a one chance to turn your life into a beautiful one..., "

He said it, he finally confessed his feelings to her.

He took her hand and kissed it with admiration.

She didn't know what to tell. But the love in his eyes were not lieing too.

Maybe it won't hurt trying? It won't be as bad as getting slaps from her parents and not getting cared by them?.

Her mind was thinking so much that she didn't know when she nodded her head.

He bimmed in happiness and pulled her onto a soul full hug and kisses her forehead.

"You don't know how much happy I am right now!, "

He said happily like he won the world. He told her he will be right back and told her to take rest for some time.

He went out leaving her in deep thoughts.

She felt loved.

When he hugged her.

No one ever hugged her like he did.

With full of love.

It won't hurt spending her life with him right?

She questions herself in her head.

She smiled looking at the way he disappeared few minutes ago.

Everything is gonna change...

A hope lighted inside her...


Walking out of the room he saw Aarohi's parents in the waiting hall.

"Good that you listened to me, now don't even try to tell her anything. It should be just between us three. And as said I will give you our contract to you. It will be in your hands immediately after our marriage,"

"So start preparing for the wedding soon, the soon you do the soon you will get the contract," he said to aarohi's parents.

They nodded their heads.

Like always reyansh was stalking Aarohi that night from the tree beside her room. He felt little difference in her in her.

It was taking more then the regular time of her using the bathroom. He was observing how her father was slapping her today.

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