"Ohhh girl I love that" Kate said

"Me too" I smiled

"Do you still have those black ankle boots." She asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Wear those" My friend smiled

I nodded my head and got changed back into my regular clothes. Kate had found something like halfway through her pile she really liked. So she's just been judging what I picked. We made it through the check out line and got back in my truck. Throwing the bags in the back seat, Kate was all giddy.

"Yay, you are going to look hot. Are you going to ask anyone to go with you?" Kate said

"I don't think so. I think Colin is bringing a friend he made though" I said

"Hmm, you might smack me for this. But since he's probably going already. Why don't you ask John?" She said

"Why?" I asked

"You two get along better then you did. And he gave you his hoodie c'mon" Kate smirked

"And he lent me his truck and fixed mine. But still. He probably is going with someone already" I said

"Ask" Kate laughed

"No" I replied

"Fine. I will" Kate smirked

"No, no. I will" I said glaring at her.

Getting back to her house, I followed my friend inside and we sat in the living room. Her parents are out shopping right now apparently. So I went into messages and sent one to John.

Me: Hey, are you going with anyone to the dinner thing?

"There are you happy" I said

"Yup. Now for him to say no and you two to go together" Kate smiled

"What if he says he does" I laughed

"Well, I don't know. Just don't go with Ryan" She said

"Or Bobby" I replied

We both looked at each other and started laughing. Then I got a reply. To which Kate was glued back to my shoulder.

John: Nope. Aren't you going with Ryan though?

Me: Uhm. No. Did he not tell you that he hates me. Lol

"Do they just not talk to each other?" Kate sid

"They do. I see them talking all the time. But... I don't know" I replied rolling my eyes

"Wow, he replied fast" Kate said as Johns name popped up.

John: He doesn't hate you. He has been acting weird when you were around though, I don't now, he's weird sometimes

Me: Weirder than you?

John: I'm not weird. I'm cool

Me: Mhmm keep on telling yourself that bud lol

"See you two get along nicely. Unless he takes that the wrong way" Kate said

"Who knows. Guys are weird" I said

"Oh, show me the guys you met at the park. I want to stalk them" Kate laughed

"Why" I replied chuckling

"What if it's like your parents. And one of them is your future husband" She said

"They aren't. But here they are in a group shot. Then he tagged all of their instagrams" I said handing Kate my phone.

I may or may not have stalked these boys already. They are kinda cute. They're really nice too, I honestly thought they were going to be dicks. But I was mistaken.

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