"I guess we should start getting ready" Kate said

"Yeah. I guess we should." I said

Getting up, I put my blanket on my chairs and started to tack up Gypsy. Stretching out his legs, I put his bridle on and hopped up.

"You are fast. Jeez" Kate said

"You have help too" I laughed

She shook her head and I started down the road and trotted around an open area. Then John came riding over.

"Oh look. You're riding while it's dark again" John said

"So are you dumbass" I replied

"Well at least when I do, I have a saddle and bridle" He replied

"I guess you don't trust your horse as much as I trust mine" I said

"At least i'm not stupid" He said

"Why! Do you keep calling me stupid. And dumb. Like what the fuck John" I said

"Cause you do stupid things" He said

"Like what" I asked

"Riding at night with nothing. Going out with Gavin of all people" He said

"Why would going out with him be so bad. Well it was. But why do you care" I asked

"I don't" He said

"Well, then don't tell me it was dumb of me to go out with him. I can go out with who ever, whenever" I said

"And give them a reason to call you a whore. Do you actually want that title" John said

"Well, I have it. Mine as well give them a reason" I said looking at him

"Are you serious? You're going to go sleep around with everyone" John said

"... No." I said

"Don't be stupid" John said

"Well you already say I am" I replied "I'm just a fucking idiot to you"

Kicking, Gyps sides, I rode back over to the trailer and tied him back up. Then I sat back in my chair and cuddled up with my blanket.

"John, is getting on my last nerve" I said

" Why" Colin asked

"He's just.. Ugh" I said

"Hey Colin, you wanna come with Bobby and I down to the arena. There's a new bull" Ryan said walking over towards us.

"Yeah. I'll be back Ella, don't murder anyone" He smiled

I shook my head and Kate took her horse out to warm up. Tommy walked down with her. He is the reason she gets so many good photos. He also takes some of me so I have some to share. I smiled to myself and looked around before feeling my phone buzz.

John: Hey, come over here real fast

Me: Why?

I'm gonna kill this kid. I swear.

John: I want to show you something

Me: Oh really now. What could you possibly have

John: Please

Me: No

Putting my phone down guess who decided to come waltzing by

"Oh look who's all by themselves" Gavin laughed

"Am I not allowed to want to be by myself" I said

"No one wants to be around a whore" He said

"I'm not a whore. I don't go into dates expecting to get something out of it like you" I said

Cinderella..Ish?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant