"Alright. Soooo. How many weeks do you have left?" Kate asked

"2 more baby. Then my ass is OUTTA THERE" I yelled

"Hey there. You want to not yell?" John said walking over

"It's a free world bud. Why don't you not be so close" I replied

"They can probably hear you up at the barn" He chuckled smirking

"I mean. They can. They know" I said

"What?" He asked

"Nothing" I replied

"Wait. When did they find out" Kate asked

"Last week. They're okay with it. Granted they're treating me more like a slave then they have but hey. I can just poison their food if I want" I laughed

She shook her head and John looked at me like I had three heads. He eventually walked away, so Kate and I set up our chairs and everything. We always party alone here. Well sometimes Kate's boyfriend comes. My fake boyfriend comes sometimes, it's Tommy's nephew. He is 6 and is obsessed with me. But he's adorable, I love him.

"Hey. My mans is coming. He's bringing your boyfriend" Kate said

"Aww, I can't wait to see my boyfriend it's been so long" I pouted

"So I guess you girls are taken huh"

Looking back, it was John and some of the other rodeo guys.

"I am" Kate said

"Negative" I nodded

"But you said your boyfriend" The one kid said

"Not my actual boyfriend" I laughed "Y'all will see"

They looked at us and walked away. Kate and I laughed and jammed to music before her boyfriend came over.

"Ella!" Grayson yelled

"Hi buddy" I smiled

He jumped on my lap and low key killed my legs. It's fine. After a little bit he got antsy so we got up and walked around. Kate and Tommy stayed at the trailers.

"Ooh can we go watch the duckies" Grayson yelled

"Uhm. Of course" I replied

He ran over and me, not expecting it, had to chase this child. I'm in boots, running isn't the easiest. I mean I can do it on dirt but not cement with cracks and ditches. Catching up to the small child I picked him up and spun him around.

"Ellie! Ellie stopppp" He yelled

"What? Keep spinning?" I said

"Noo" He laughed

"Your son is adorable" A lady said

"Oh no. He's not my son. I am too young for kids. He's my friends nephew, aka my little boyfriend" I laughed

"Ahh, okay. Tell your friend they have an adorable nephew" She smiled

" I will" I laughed

"So that's your boyfriend" John said walking over

"Yup. Isn't he the cutest" I smiled

He went to say something and guess who showed up.

"Ella. I thought you were suppose to stay at your trailer. And who is this child" Janis said, my step mom

"It's Tommy's nephew he wanted to see the ducks race" I said

"Ugh. Well I only have to see you for 2 more weeks" She said

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