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"Benkei? Waka? What are you two doing here so early? Also how did you find out where I live?", a very sleepy Y/N answered the door as the bell had rang.

She was standing there, covered merely in an oversized orange t-shirt, her brown hair falling messily over her ears, it had grown quite a bit ever since she had started making friends. Now her hair almost reached her shoulders, it was still as messy as always, right now only being held back by a pearl-like hair tie which she used to keep her bangs out of her face. A huge pillow in her arms as she stared with bewildered green eyes at the two men who stood in front of her door.

"Okay Kid, why aren't you dressed for school?", Wakasa asked as he was munching away on his lollipop.

"It's five in the frigging morning, school starts at eight?"

"Well, get ready. We're taking you to breakfast", Benkei spoke as he entered through the considerably smaller door-frame, taking a seat at the black couch, spreading his legs as he looked at the girl.

Wakasa entered after him closing and locking the door.

"Go on kiddo. We'll be waiting down here. Go up and get ready."

"O-Okay?", the girl muttered, walking back upstairs to get changed into her school-uniform.

When she came back down she was wearing her usual school-uniform.

White-button up with a red bow around the collar. A dark blue skirt and blazer hanging over her arm. A pair of white thigh-highs with the rest of her outfit, quickly putting on her dark brown slightly heeled leather loafers.

She grabbed her blueish hat putting it on, pushing her bangs slightly down as her hair was kept in two low pigtails, taking her bright yellow trench-coat from the hanger on the wall, putting it on as the two men joined her, Benkei taking her hand into his as he led her towards his bike.

After having established her onto his large bike and having put the spare orange helmet over her head, getting on behind her as Wakasa climbed onto his own bike, both driving off to go to a cute café which Y/N had talked about from time to time.

"What can I get for you three?", the young waiter asked the trio and Benkei gave Y/N the chance to order first.

"The Cucumber-elder-mint homemade lemonade. The pancakes with apple mousse and berry-mix, with an two dango-sticks, please."

Benkei and Wakasa ordered after her, listening to the girl ramble about some weird stuff.

She blossomed while talking about it.

And in exact moment Benkei and Wakasa had come to and conclusion.

They might only have know her for 48 hours but if anything were to happen to this innocent sweet bean they would kill everyone even slightly involved or responsible for it.

"So you're telling me you and your siblings had to stop a psychotic white haired kid from trying to achieve world-domination?", Wakasa asked, taking a sip from his tonic-water watching how Y/N nodded eagerly, "He too was weirdly obsessed with Mabel."

"Mabel is your sister right?"

"Was. She was my sister..."

"I'm sorry", Benkei spoke, regretting having crashed the mood of the three.

"Don't worry about it Benkei-san. It happened years ago."

"Still. Someone your age shouldn't have already lost her siblings. Especially your twins."

"It doesn't even bother me anymore. I know that they died for a good cause, that they sacrificed themselves for the greater good."

"You are fifteen at best kid. And judging by the tombstone they have been dead for at least two years. Nobody should have to die at the age of thirteen", Wakasa spoke as he looked around himself, they were getting stared at.

Two young men with a teenage girl that didn't look anything like any of them.

Quit suspicious.


"Thank you two for bringing me to school", Y/N said with a little smile, entering the school and walking to her locker, grabbing her P.E. bag and walking towards the changing room.

PE the first two lessons, that would be hell.

"Today we'll practice climbing!", the teacher exclaimed, getting the attention of all students.

"You'll firstly throw a rope up there and make sure it is fixed, then climb up and ring the bell, once up you change over to the other rope, let the rope you climbed up on drop to the ground and climb down on the second rope. Understood?"

Y/N was looking at the dancing pyramid thing at the window with a disgusted look when she heard her name being called.

"And as Miss Pines, seems to think she can allow herself to not pay attention, she can show you all how it's done!"

A few student's snickered, Hiro sending her a sympathetic smile as he raised his hand, "Maybe I cou-"


Baji and Chifuyu looked at each other, now they were all for embarrassing Y/N, but only if they did and were alone.

"Okay", Y/N muttered, standing in front of the wall, rope in hand as she made a knot, one you'd used to hand people with as she threw it up and hit bullseye, the knot tightening around the top, allowing her to pull on it without falling back down.

The one thing she was good at, climbing and throwing stuff, trying to capture something.

You'd be surprised how often she had to capture Mabel like that or safe Wobble from a tree to stop Mabel from crying.

With that Y/N wrapped her legs and arms around the rope, slowly but surely pulling herself up, hitting the bell within three minutes, switching over to the other rope, throwing hers back down and slowly climbing back down, tripping, face first onto the ground once she tried to take a step back to Hiro, having her foot twisted in the rope that was laying around the ground.

"You good Pines-chan?", Hiro asked, helping the girl up, who was busy rubbing her forehead, "Trust me, I've fallen worse."

"That did look quiet painful"."

"Not more painful than falling into a secret apocalyptic bunker which goes twenty metres down below the earth-surface", Y/N spoke nonchalantly as if it was the most normal thing on earth.

"Where did all of these things happen to you?"

"Gravity Falls. Gravity Falls is where the crazy stuff happens", Y/N muttered, grubbing her now, very red forehead.



As promised a new chapter has arrived!

I hope you all enjoyed, please leave a vote and a comment with questions, ideas or feedback, I'll gladly answer all questions and love your comments!

Have a lovely day / night and see you all in the next chapter,
your author <3

Gravity Falls x Tokyo Revengers x Female! Dipper! ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora