Ch. NINE.:

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"Heyo, Pines-chan!", Hiro said as he leaned against the girl's table during a break.

"What is it Hiro-kun?", she asked looking up at the boy who gave her a bright smile.

"I just wanted to thank you for saving my ass back there. So I got you something to show you how thankful I am", he said proudly.

"And what would that be Hiro-kun?"

Once the realization set into the boy's brain he started blushing.

"Are you okay? Y-You're getting all read", Y/N asked worriedly as she got up herself and leaned forwards to put a hand onto the boy's forehead to check his temperature.

"You don't have a fever..."

"Y-You're using my first name", the blue-haired stammered put causing the auburn-haired girl to blush herself and she immediately got distance between the two.

"I am soooooooooo sorry!", she exclaimed while apologizing over and over again.

"D-Don't worry about it Pines-chan, I-I'm just happy you feel like you can call me by my first name", the boy said blushing heavily.

Y/N nodded slightly still blushing.

"Oh, by the way Hiro-kun, I got you something as well. I'm so sorry that I couldn't give it to you sooner, but it was kinda hard to smuggle something away from Grunkle Stan. As a thank you for helping me with my stuff", the girl said as she pulled something out of her bag.

It was a keychain of a Grizzlycorn.

"I-I know it isn't something big and either weird, but I overheard you talking to your friends about how cool you think the Mystery Shack is. So here."

Hiro blushed madly at the little gesture of the girl.

"No! No! I-I'll treasure it!", he exclaimed as he took the chain and pressed it to his heart.

He was feeling so fuzzy inside at the king gesture.

One thing was clear for Hiro, he would treasure the chain for the rest of his life just as how he would treasure the girl and her pure heart.

Y/N smiled awkwardly at the boy who was smiling at her brightly, still holding the chain close to his heart.


Baji and Chifuyu were watching in jealousy at the duo that was smiling at each bother, both blushing heavily from completely different reasons.

One because of embarrassment and the other one form how lucky he thought he was that his beloved was talking to him.

In his anger Baji snapped a pencil in two causing Chifuyu's face to lose all its colour as he tried to calm down the ravenette.

"Chifuyu, how open are you for digging a grave for a 6ft guy?", Baji asked lowly to which Chifuyu's eyes widened.

"About which 6ft guy are we talking?"

"I think we know which one."

"Give me one hour to find a shovel and good place and I'm in."

"Good", Baji said through gritted teeth.

While the two Toman members were plotting something sinister the two innocent wholesome beans were talking about the stuff that was displayed in the Mystery shack. Consisting mostly of Hiro asking all kind of questions and Y/N answering them with sparkling eyes that somebody didn't think her hobby and the shop her Grunkle owned was weird.


Author here!

I hope you really enjoyed today's chapter, if you did so please leave a vote and a comment!

I apologies for not updating any sooner on this story but if you read the last update of my Overhaul Reader story then you know why, for those who haven't I've just been really busy with private stuff and school-things since my new school-year will start soon, so I'll try to update at least once a week! But if I can't I'm sorry, but as said before I update when I can and when I want/feel like updating.

And please send me questions/comment them here, if you have any considering this story or if something is unclear about it.

Have a lovely day/night, and see you all in the next chapter,
your author <3v 

Gravity Falls x Tokyo Revengers x Female! Dipper! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now