Ch. FIVE.:

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Y/N walked out of her school and back home, once she walked past the alleyway she saw a little wooden-horse laying there, the Gnomes disappearing into their alleyway.

She picked it up and smiled to herself at the little kind gesture.

Maybe getting intimidated by those guys was worth it after all.

"Hello Pinetree! Have you finally made u your mind??", was the first thing Y/N had heard from the triangle with one eye.

"Hello Bill", Y/N stated already done with the demon, "Forget it, the journal says no."

"Well the author is a liar!"

"Right", Y/N mocked.

"I'm going to the graveyard", Y/N said after grabbing flowers and the bag she had prepared the night before.

A few minutes after walked Y/N arrived at the grave she was looking for.

Pines Family-grave

"Hey Dipper", Y/N said after she had prayed.

The girl had knelt down in front of the grave as she pulled a few things out of the bag she had brought with her.

"Hey, Dipp, I got you your favourite flowers, well those flowers remind me of you", Y/N then placed the flowers onto the grave and pulled out the other thing she had gotten.

"I also got you, forget-me-not and pine-tree things", Y/N chuckled a bit as she placed the things down onto the grave as well.

"I hope you are doing well enough..."

"I-I try my best to finish what you started, I really did, I even tried to act like you more to be able to think like you, but it just doesn't work that good..."

"I'm so, so sorry Dipper, ... I'll try my best for you", Y/N said as she got up and left the graveyard, "I gotta go now, I'll try to come by when I have time again."

With that the girl left to go home where she didn't find Bill anywhere.

Sometimes he was there and sometimes not, and just when Y/N was in her pyjamas the phone that hung on the wall by the kitchen started ringing.

Y/N chocked on her water and started coughing while hastily getting up and towards the phone, taking it as she answered it.


"Heyo doll", the slurry voce from the other end said.

Y/N could hear him smoking as she froze up.


"Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself last time we spoke. The name's Shuji, Hanma Shuji."

"Well what is it that you want Hanma-san?"

"There's a little event tomorrow. I'll pick you up after school and we'll go together."


"No buts darling. Now tell me when school ends for you. And don't lie to me."

"It should end around four in the evening... but where are we going?"

"It's a surprise~"

"Hey! Answer me!", Y/N demanded as heard the line going blank as Hanma had just hung up the phone.

"That prick."

With that Y/N went to grab her notebook and wrote onto the page for Gnomes:

Note to self: Once Gnomes ask you to help getting their alleyway back, don't make deals with rowdies unless you want to get picked up by one for an event!!!!!! -shouldn't have done that, Y/N

With a halfway satisfied grin Y/N started marking those words over and over again.


"Who's that?", Chifuyu asked as by now most students were looking out the window, seeing Hanma leaning against his bike, cigarette in hand, the other in the pocket of his jacket.

"A Valhalla member?", Baji asked, "What do they want?"

"Don't know, but I'm having a bad feeling about this entire thing", Hiro stated as he was having his own hands in the pockets of his pants.

The boy with blue hair looked around the classroom, looking for a certain brown-haired girl.

"And where is Pines-chan?"

"Why should we know where that Nerd is?", Baji asked, trying to hide his own concern about the girl, especially since now a member of a rival-gang was in front of their school.

"What is Pines doing with him?!", a shrill voice erupted, it was another girl from their class.

"Huh?", Baji, Chifuyu and Hiro asked at the same time.

"There! She's walking towards him!"

"Huh?!", now the three boys were completely lost.

"What would an angel like Pines-chan, do with a delinquent like him?!", Hiro asked as he puffed his cheeks out, but glared at the boy who was leaning against the bike.

That was when the unknown boy slung an arm over Y/N's shoulders and pulled her closer to him, which seemed to annoy the girl with a cap on, since she seemed not very amused at the action.

With Y/N and Hanma:

"What are you doing here???", Y/N asked annoyed at the fact that the young man was standing in front of the school, smoking with his usual lazy smirk.

"I'm here to pick you up, doll."

"Drop the doll."

"I rather not. Now come on, we got places to be."

"Will you finally tell me where you're taking me?", Y/N asked as she walked towards the bi-coloured boy who stomped onto his cigarette.

"Well I don't have time-"

"Too bad you're coming with me either way", Hanma grinned as he slung one arm around YN's shoulders, dragging he along with him.

"Hold on tight", he said with a grin, placing his hands around Y/N's waist and hoisting her up onto the bike, getting up in front of her.

"Why would I-", even before Y/N could finish her sentence Hanma had sped off, making the brown-haired girl let out a yelp and clawed herself into Hanma's shirt as she was shocked at how fast Hanma was going.

"Slow the fuck down!"

"We wasted enough time talking and waiting in front of the school! So now we gotta hurry!"

"But you're going over the speed-limit!"

"So?! I always do that!"



I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did so please leave a vote and comment and please tell me your thoughts!

This chapter was more of a 'filler' to built up a bit the story!

See you in the next part!

Have a lovely day/night,
your author <3 

Gravity Falls x Tokyo Revengers x Female! Dipper! ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum