Halloween Special!

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Author's note before the chapter starts!

You guys decided so it's here! The Halloween special with number 2) meaning this will be the one where Y/N goes trick or treating with her two OC admirers but the TR cast kinda crashes it combined with the Gravity Falls episode Summerween trickster!

So thanks to @PowerCup03 for the idea of adding a bit of the Summerween Trickster episode (episode 12) from Gravity falls!

But I did decide to alter it a bit!

Now I just wanna say that this chapter is somewhat related to the Plot of the story, not directly but still, so please don't get too mad if something is mentioned in this chapter and then never again, but slight TW warning for losing a loved one/ scary stuff(?)!

So here we go!


"Hello there Shooting star", the raspy feminine voice called from the other side of the telephone hung by the wall.

"Hello Himeno-san-"

"Drop those formalities darling, Jus call me by my name."

"As you wish, but why did you call?"

"Halloween's tonight. Wanna go somewhere together? Let's go trick or treating! I can come pick you up if you'd like. What do you say?"

Y/N blushed slightly at all the nicknames the Chinese girl was giving her but hummed, "Sure thing, but should we wear costumes?"

"Hell yeah! You know what, wait for me, and give me your adress! I'll go get some things and we'll get ready together, what do you say?"

"Sure thing Himeno!", Y/N was also excited, she wasn't trick or treating ever since her twins had passed.

With that Himeno hung up the phone after receiving the adress of Y/N's house and left to get some things as the brown-haired girl was busy cleaning up her home, so it looked presentable and not too nerdy with all the books that were laying scattered across the home.


"Yes Pinetree?"

"I want you gone tonight. I have a friend coming over, got that?"

"Will you make a deal with me on tha-"

"Forget it Pyramid. Now leave."

"Fine, but I'll be back Pinetree!"

With that the pyramid with one eye and was levitating disappeared after clapping his hands.

Around 30 minutes later a knock was heard on the door and Y/N went to open it, seeing the girl with glasses was standing there, her black surgical mask on and two bags in each hand as she walked inside kicking off her shoes.

"Let me get those bags for you", Y/N said, taking the bags out of Himeno's arms, as she removed her surgical mask to give Y/N a little peck onto the cheek, "You're adorable shooting star."

Y/N froze up but nodded like a robot.

The two girls' walked into the living room and sat down.

"So why do you have so many bags with you?", Y/N asked to which Himeno chuckled with her raspy voice and stated, "I got us matching costumes of course."

"Awww that's so sweet. I haven't dressed up in years!", Y/N said as she and Himeno started unpacking the bags. It were matching Jack Skeleton and Sally costumes as well as the Corpse bride Emily and Victor costumes as well as each two dog costumes, one for Jack's ghost dog and Victor's skeleton dog.

Gravity Falls x Tokyo Revengers x Female! Dipper! ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora