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Fight after fight happened while Y/N was bored out of her mind.

"And now our grand finale! Former Moebius representative and current Valhalla's representative Shuji Hanma versus Former 8th Generation Black Dragons leader and current Tenjiku top executive Shion Madarame!"

Hanma got up and walked to the fighting ring.

"Wish me luck doll."

"I hope you die", Y/N sneered while pointing her middle-finger at the still smoking guy.

"Careful doll, who knows what I bet if I should lose."

"What did you...?"

"You'll find out, doll."

Now Y/N was sweating bullets at the thoughts of what Hanma could have given if he would lose.

"Now please tell us what you'll give the winner of this grand battle!", the 'overseer' asked the two opponents.

"Fifty of my best men!", Shion declared causing mumbling, he must be really sure of his potential if he was willing to offer 50 of his best men.

"This journal", Hanma said while holding up Y/N's beloved journal.

"He did not-", Y/N muttered while getting up angered and walking down to the fighting-ring.

"Give that back to me!", Y/N barked at Hanma while jumping up to snatch that book out of his hands.

"That's mine!"

"Doll, you shouldn't be in this ring."

"Well, I'm not letting you loose this journal, so go bet something else! I'm fucking leaving!"

With that the brown-haired girl stomped away leaving a dumbfounded crowd while Hakkai was having a mental-breakdown at the girl that had just walked away.

He had to tell Mitsuya, Baji and Chifuyu!


On the way outside Y/N ran into someone.

Both fell to the floor.

"Watch where you're goinnnnn----", Y/N was cut off by the looks of the person she had dumped into.

Heavy blush adorning her face while starring at the blue-haired girl.

The girl was sitting across from Y/N, holding her head as she picked up her glasses with the other hand.

"Could tell ya' the same—", but she as well was cut off by Y/N's looks.

Her cap had fallen off and her hair moved out of the way, exposing her birth-mark.

"You're stunning", both girls said at the same time.

"Wait-", they were still in synch when both blushed even more at the other's statement.

As both girls got up Y/N handed the other girl the white mask she had lost while the girl handed Y/N her cap.

Both immediately putting on their things as to hide their flaws.

"So what's a girl like you doing here?", the masked girl asked Y/N.

"I could ask you the same."

"I'm here for my dump-ass adoptive-brother who got his ass handed to him, now you."

"I was dragged here by some guy I met like one week ago after getting him to leave my friends alone."

"I'm Himeno by the way, Himeno Madarame."

"Pines, Y/N Pines", Y/N said as both girls' shook hands.

"So, you wanna go out?"

"H-Huh?", Y/N asked as she had a system overload.

"Why not? I mean, you're cute, you think I'm stunning, so let's go out."

Now Y/N had gotten a better look at the girl.

She was way more than stunning.

The girl had long dark-blue hair which she kept in two braids falling over her chest, two strands falling out open, she had bangs which she kept with one strand falling over her face that was a bit longer than the rest. She wore ripped high-waist jeans with a black leather belt and chains. A pair of plain black converse and a cropped sweater that had a hood on it and was in the colours white and orange. Orange stripes from the sides up to the long sleeves and in the front, orange cords by the hood as well. She had pierced ears up to her helix. Himeno has yellowish eyes which were hid behind wide round glasses that were half-open and she wore a white surgical mask over it. A bunch of rings to end the entire outfit as well.

"S-Sure?", Y/N muttered.

"Sweet, then here", Himeno said as she handed Y/N a piece of paper with her number on it.

"Call me when you wanna go out and have some fun shooting-star", the cat-eyed girl spoke as she walked past the brown-haired girl into the abandoned building.

"Oh my GOD!", Y/N squeaked out while slapping both of her cheeks, with a shocked expression on her face.

"I-I just got a girl's number! And a hot one's at that!"


Author here!

So sorry for the short chapter but I didn't have much time today!

I really didn't think I'd add another OC into the story but here he have Himeno Madarame, tell me your thoughts on her! And if you'd like her or have any questions about my Ocs (wanna have art of them for visual image) or the story in general!

See you all in the next chapter and have a lovely day/night,
your author <3 

Gravity Falls x Tokyo Revengers x Female! Dipper! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now