2. Kookie

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Its been a month since you first met Jin and after each session, he kept on requesting for you. You didn't mind at all. You even looked forward to your sessions each time.

Jin was an interesting man to you. He could be sweet, but yet completely arrogant at times. There was no doubt that he was charming, with his handsomeness and flirtatious nature, which made you completely red in the face.

You noticed that he didn't seem to mind talking about his feelings towards specific issues, but he had a dislike for talking about his personal life. Seeing this, you tend not too ask him too much about personal life and family, as you don't want him to feel uncomfortable.

When a patient gets uncomfortable, they start closing all their walls, becoming defensive and aggressive. Unfortunately, you had to learn that the hard way, as some patients not only insulted you, but tried to physically hurt you.

Nonetheless, you would still put a smile on your face, and try not to dwell too much on the negatives.

Today however, was different. As soon as you walked into the office where you have your sessions with Jin, you noticed a different aura around him.

He was sitting in his seat straightly, rather than leaning back in a comfortable position. His plump lips were pursed tightly together, giving him a tense and stressed look to his normally relaxed face.

"Jin? Is everything alright?" you ask worryingly. "You look a bit tense today."

He glances up at you with wide eyes, and then he quickly grabs your right hand. You flinch from the fast action, but then he says with a nervous voice, "Y/n, I really need you to do a favor for me."

You're confused by his weird behavior, but you say calmly, "Umm... sure. What do you need?"

He sighs and let's go of your hand, but looks you at you directly with pleading eyes. "I need you to help someone, as you have done for me."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"No, its just... I need you to open his mind, break down his walls and open up. Please Y/n, you're the only person who I think is capable of doing this. If he doesn't get your help, I'm afraid he'll hurt himself."

Your heart beat quickens, as you realize Jin has never looked so worried and nervous ever since you started sessions with him.

He must be serious. What if someone really is in danger?!

Shaking the thoughts away, you let out a small smile. "O-okay, I can try."

He lets out a sigh of relief before he digs into the pockets of his jeans, then pulls out a small card. He then puts it into your hand.

You look at it, and it's the size and texture of a regular credit card, but it's full on red with a big black heart, that has black wings on it. There's a barcode at the top, that has different combinations of letters, numbers and strange symbols you can't identify.

"Where did you get this card from?" you ask.

"Don't worry about it," he murmurs. "But you're gonna need this to get in."

"Uhh... okay. Is that all?"

"Pretty much. Once in there, request for a man named 'Kookie'. But I need you to try and look as mature as possible."

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