9. Different Worlds

Start from the beginning

Ottavio said softly "Dont be sorry..." He then came out of his frozen state and looked past her ay Stanley who was standing with his hands in his pockets "He should be sorry... Get out of my way and I will make him sorry... No one asks my girl favours... Who does he think he is?"

Stanley sighed "I am sorry... Ok.. I had no choice... It was about Dani... I needed to find her... I needed to see her."

Ottavio said as he was taken back "What?" He knew how much Dani meant to Stanley. But he was surprised he had asked Verona to help him with finding Dani.

Verona said quickly "Stanley wanted to meet up with her... I went to my godmother and asked her if I could see Dani... She said yes... It was no problem Ottavio... My godmother did not mind..."

Stanley felt like his heart could feel alive once more. He said hopefully "She said yes? Really? Can I see her? When?"

Verona turned to Stanley "Dani will be joining the Irish school..."

Stanley could not believe it "Are you serious?"

Verona nodded "Yes... And I did not even need to mention you... She did not need any reasons from me when I said I want to see her... Because she is Irish she joins your school but I get to see her too when I want..."

Ottavio said in a soft tone as he walked to Verona "He got what he wanted... You being here has stopped me beating his backside... But I am tempted to put him in his place..." He looked past at Stanley "Get out of here now... What are you waiting around here for? You want more favours...."

Stanley said "I cant believe it..."

Ottavio said sharply as he looked at Stanley "Well.. Believe it Romeo... Are you happy now?" He walked to Verona and said "You did so much for him... Too much... How much did it cost you? Your godmother does not do anything for anyone... You must have done something for her? What did you promise?"

His voice had a hint concern. Verona found it quite sweet that he was concerned about her. "Well... Dont worry... I need to see her this weekend. She wanted me to stay longer but I told her I have to get back... I need to see her this weekend.."

Stanley asked "How can I ever repay you Verona.... You have no idea how much Dani means to me..."

Ottavio said to him harshly "You stop asking her favours? How about that kind of repayment. Leave my girl in peace..."

Verona said to Stanley "You dont need to thank me... There are some restrictions...  My godmother does not want Dani to be abducted or hurt... Dani's father is doing some very top-secret work... So Dani is to stay at campus... But if she leaves campus security leaves with her and thats at the discretion of the school..." She then looked at Ottavio was who listening to their exchange silently. "Ottavio... You could help with that..."

Ottavio looked at Verona "Help with what?"

Verona said "Helping with security of Dani if she goes offsite... Your family have influence on the school... Can you convince them to sign paper work for safety responsibility?"

Ottavio said "Her man can provide security... Trust me... If Stanley wants his girl to be allowed offsite he better accompany her..."

Stanley gasped "You mean that... Can I have that in writing?"

Ottavio said "Yes... It would be my pleasure to hand you over the responsibility of your actions... I would make sure I get whatever paper work needed for Verona to hand over her godmother...  Enjoy the hard work.... You are welcome....Now go back to school... There are faxes coming in from your family non stop... You have to respond..." 

Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob Boss's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now