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Once the fight was over, it was a madhouse. Customers were screaming out Carnage's name, chanting and cheering even though he had long ago disappeared behind the back door.

It was like they thought if they screamed loud enough, he'd come back and give them another show.

But once people started to disperse, it was a ghost town. It took me a while to clear off the tables, seeing as apparently no one knows how to use the trashes that were only a few feet away in the back walls. My entire section cleared out and I was left with piles and piles of beer glasses and trash to pick up.

By the time that I had finally finished my work and made my way into the back room, the other girls were already getting ready to leave, and while some of them had already left altogether.

I pushed my hair back out of my face, slumping my way into the room as I finally allowed the exhaustion of the night to hit me.

"Hey." Anika smiled at me as she pulled her hair up into a bun.

"Hey." I greeted her tiredly. I gave the room a quick glance, looking over the girls that were still here. "Where's Harmony?"

"She left a few minutes ago." Anika replied as she shut her locker, lifting her bag up onto her shoulder. "She wanted to say bye, too tired to stay, so she ask d me to tell you for her."

"Oh, sorry it took so long. I got stuck with a bunch of clean up." I sighed as I sat down on the bench in front of my locker, closing my eyes and taking a moment to enjoy the the comfortability of being able to sit down.

"I hate those nights." Anika complained. "Some nights you only have one table to clean, and others you have the whole section."

I looked up at her as I raised my foot up to bench to start undoing my heel. "You don't have to wait on me if you're ready to go home. I know you're tired."

"It's okay, I don't want to make you walk to your car by yourself." Anika dismissed.

"I have pepper spray on my keys, I'm fine." I laughed, discarding of my second heel standing up barefoot in my full 5'3 glory.

Anika laughed, pushing herself up to stand from against her locker. "I don't mind waiting. I'm sure Louis doesn't care either."

I rolled my eyes at her insistence, opening my locker and holding up my keys to show her that I wasn't joking about my pepper spray. "I'll have to walk by myself if there ever a day that you and Louis aren't here." I pointed out before tossing my keys back into my bag, rummaging around for my sweat pants.

"True..." Anika pursed her lips. "Alright— Okay, fine, but you keep your phone in your hand and call me if something happens."

"Okay," I laughed, "I promise."

"See you tomorrow?" She asked, backing towards the doorway.

"Most likely. I'll probably come over after I get off work from the bookstore." I agreed as I pulled my sweats on.

"Okay, sounds good. See you tomorrow, Stella." Anika called over her shoulder at me.

"See ya!" I called back while pulling my shoes out of my bag.

Being lazy I decided to sit down to put on my shoes. My feet were aching from my heels, and if I had the chance to sit, I'm going to take it.

Once my shoes were on I pulled my oversized hoodie over my head and reached for the water bottle that I had left in my locker. I unscrewed the top and quickly downed half the bottle before pausing for a ragged breath.

I took another few gulps before I shoved my heels and the nearly empty water bottle into my bag. Finally I took my claw clip off of the strap of my tote bag and pulled my hair up out of my face.

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