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As soon as I got home I passed out on my couch. I stripped from the outfit I borrowed from Anika, and I couldn't even find enough strength in myself to make it into my bedroom. I crashed down and instantly fell asleep out of pure exhaustion.

I left the clothes in a pile on my living room floor and I woke up this afternoon sprawled out on my couch wearing nothing but a crocheted blanket and the black heart stickers that Harmony had given to me last night.

This morning of course I paid the consequence of sleeping in my makeup and I somehow already had a zit forming on my left cheek. So after breakfast, I did intensive face care and wore a pimple patch for the entirety of the day— including when I went out to go shopping with Ani.

She, of course, was laughing at the pink cloud patch, but I didn't care. I'd rather hear the laugh from her than hear a snide remark from a customer over a zit later.

Now that I know what the club is like it was a lot easier for me to pick out a few outfits. All of them were still way more revealing than I would like, but any tips that I make I get to keep for myself... so it might be worth it in the long run.

Anika and I weren't out for long, but it was long enough for us to spend a few hours shopping and to grab some lunch together.

I really enjoy hanging out with Anika when it's just the two of us. Don't get me wrong, I love when we are with Louis too, but there's something about girl time that I desperately need.

Growing up it only my dad and I, so I never really had a 'mother figure' to do typical mother-daughter things with. And when Louis started coming around more, my dad took him in as his, so it was like having a brother in the house.

Which is why it's nice when I get to spend alone time with Ani. For years it was only me, Louis and my dad, so it's nice doing girly things and having someone else to enjoy them with me.

Once Anika and I made it back home we already needed to start getting ready for the night. We didn't stay out for too long, but we were running a bit later than we had planned for.

Today I am feeling a lot more at ease than I was yesterday, so I opted to get ready at my own apartment and said that I could drive myself too.

Ani and Louis were a bit hesitant, but truthfully I really just needed to blast my own music while getting ready for work, and while I was in the car so that I could scream sing the lyrics and make myself feel better.

I've loved singing since I was a kid, even if I've never been good at it. Louis and I use to hold concerts for our parents in the living room, embarrassing ourselves, but still having fun while doing it.

Once we got older, I figured out I was completely tone deaf and couldn't hold a note to save my life. Louis, however, was an amazing singer and has only improved with time.

Singing to my music while getting ready was exactly the therapy that I needed. I bopped around, dancing in circles and swinging my head around until I was finally finished and ready to start driving to the club.

I continued with my solo concert, screaming to each song, taking the long way to the south side of town while enjoying myself.

Even with my many detours, and getting stopped by a train, I ended up arriving to the club early. But I'd much rather be early than late, so I was fine with it.

I sat in the parking lot and scrolled through my phone for a while, looking through social media and catching up on things that I have missed through out the week. Before I knew it the alarm I had set was going off and I was hauling my bag up onto my shoulder to start the few minute walk to the alleyway.

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