It felt a lot colder out today, though I haven't checked what the temperature is. But even though the wind is calm the bitter winter air is biting at every exposed part of my body and leaving a freezing chill across my skin.

Once I made it down the first alleyway, I skipped down the steps and walked up to the to the door of the club. I knocked on it just the same as Louis had yesterday and I waited for it to be opened. It was only a few moments before Dave tugged it open, giving me a nod and saying, "Nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you, too." I smiled.

"How'd last night go for you? Any trouble?" He surprised me with his questions.

I walked into the darkened room, watching as Dave shut the door behind me. "It was alright." I shrugged. "I didn't have any issues."

"Stick with Anika and Louis, and those two will keep you out of trouble around here." Dave said as he sat back on a stool placed next to the door. "They're good kids."

"They are." I smiled, "I've known Louis our whole lives. He's always looked out for me."

Dave nodded, "Good to hear. I wish more of the girls here had someone to watch out for them. I try to keep these drunken idiots in their places, but none of the other staff here seems to give a shit."

"Anika told me that you watch our for the girls, and I think that's a really nice thing for you to do." I gave him a smile. "I'm sure they appreciate it too."

A knock at the door caused Dave to turn his head towards the sound. He shrugged, standing up from his seat, "I met my wife here, so I know how it can be. The least I can do is look after you girls the best I can."

"Thank you." I smiled again, meaning it.

Dave gave me a nod, a bit of a smile on his lips before he turned towards the door to unlock it.

Leaving Dave to his work I made my way down the hall and into the main area of the club. Just like yesterday my eyes instantly started to water at the stagnant smoke, and I did everything that I could to keep the tears from spilling over and ruining my makeup.

Growing up my dad smoked, but he would always go outside to do it so the smell would never be in the house. Now that we're older, Louis smokes too but he's like my dad and he goes out on his balcony to smoke. He'll have a smoke or two in his car when we're driving places, but he always rolls the window down so that he's not suffocating me or Anika while we're going somewhere.

With that being said, I've also never been to a casino or a bar that allows smoking so I haven't been in places where the smoke is confined like it is here.

I'm hoping that Anika is right and that my eyes will adjust to it soon because the burning that the smoke causes is no joke.

When I got to the backroom Harmony was already inside applying last minute lipstick with a handheld mirror.

"Hey." She greeted me as I passed by her.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked as I opened my locker.

"Tired..." I could hear it in her voice as she replied. I turned my head towards her, watching as she set the mirror down. "I didn't sleep last night."

"Really?" I cocked my head back in shock. "I passed out as soon as I got home."

"Ugh, I wish." Harmony groaned as she placed her mirror and lipstick back into her locker. "I went out last night and by the time I got home the sun was up— which happens a lot, but I had a lot of shit to do so I didn't get the chance to sleep before coming here."

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