- "When?" - he suddenly interrupted, a small apology escaping him before he dropped his fork and directed his entire attention to his mother - who now had a smug and innocent smile plastered on her face. She knew this would get his attention.

She waved a hand in front of her. - "Oh, this morning . But you know how you all must stop by the medical bay for a brief inspection and quarantine before they get to return after a fight." - she continued, noting how his hand itched for the anticipation.

If he knew sooner, he would have bolted to the medical bay and spend all day there. - "And when will he be discharged?" - he waited for her to take another bite, chew nice and slowly as she savoured the delicious meat and swallow.

She hummed. - "Dear, this is delicious! You have outdone yourself tonight." - she praised at his father, completely ignoring him.

- "Mom." - he protested. They could shower each other in adoration when he leaves - he really needs to find a new place to live. - "He should be out by now, there isn't any reason to stay that long." - his fork hit the meat with displeasure as he became annoyed.

The bay would be open 24/7 and the night shift was harder to persuade. He would probably have to go through the window - it would be easier if he knew on what floor.

She hummed, again. - "He is just resting. I received a call earlier that he will join us by tomorrow if all goes well." - that is all Sasuke needed to down his tea, gobble up his dinner - even as his mother scolded him to chew before swallowing - and dash out the door.

He didn't really have to change, he made sure to wear his comfortable - and favourite - dark pants and long sleeve dark shirt. His boots were easy to pull up at the entrance before shouting a "I'll be back soon" and sprinting to the streets.

The medium size building wasn't much of a show in the busy street life of their town and did not really show any bright sign expressing the nature behind those walls. If you knew the building, you knew how to get there. Only those who needed it would know that it's used for.

It was just over 5 stories tall and plain. Most of the time, they kept all lights on in each room since they had a constant flow of workers and visitors to sit for a few minutes, get an evaluation before and stay until the doctors would discharge them.

It was sometimes required to visit the bay if you visited a known contamination zone. He himself was able to avoid the cold building with the pushy and overworked staff since the town he just visited was announced as a cleared area.

No issues, no cases and no suspicious activity. But alas, he was still sent to assure the area and the people that the next shipments overseas were just as normal as ever.

The increasing fear of the food from other countries being contaminated caused the townspeople to demand proper inspections each time they had even the smallest boat come up shore.

It was exhausting.

He turned a corner before he arrived at the building and quickly jumped his way up the side of the building next to it, once he reached the tall buildings roof, he searched the windows. His dark midnight hair blended in with the darkness around him.

A shadow of spiky hair caught his attention in one of the room windows. - "Found you." - he smirked before jumping to the medical bay and holding on to the window ledges, his hands gripped the bricks and wood each time he neared the window.

Just a few knocks were necessary to catch his eldest brothers attention. - "Go home." - he spoke, causing a slight frown on his brows. - "I called and mentioned I would be home soon." - Madara didn't even open the window, which confused him.

Propelling himself higher, he held on to the wooden frame above the window and peeked in. Madara was not alone. The bed nearest to the window had a small person curled up in the white sheets. His curiosity took over him, he had to know what was going on.

Gripping the window, he noticed his brother glance at him with disapproval from the inside. He did not care. How dare he ignore him!?

The window finally slid open for him to slip inside without making a noise, staring at the person sleeping. Right away he noticed the peculiar hair poking out from the covers. A small hand gripping at the sheets for comfort.

- "You're stubborn." - his brother whispered. It was obvious he did not want the small person to wake up.

Sasuke only quirked an eyebrow at him, a challenging "so what?" to the tall man. The person shifted and squirmed on the bed, turning to him with a small hum.

Even with closed eyes, her cheeks puffed over the pillow as her mouth fell slightly open. The grip on the covers was tight for a second before she laxed completely into her slumber.

Long locks of pink fell on the pillow and behind her, like a second blanket. A couple of strands falling on those soft features of hers. His hand itched to push those soft-looking strands away from her face.

But he didn't, instead, he turned to his brother. What kind of mission did he go to? A silent conversation fell into their locked gazes. Onyx orbs filles with questions against those unwilling to give anything.

Not yet.

Fine! He would wait. Turning back to the sleeping woman, he memorized her features before turning back to the buzzling nightlife on the other side of the window.

If he saw her in town, he would easily identify her.

Whoever she was and whatever she had on his brother was going to come out. Either, by his hand of his prying mothers.

Together, they made the best interrogation team against all the Uchiha family members.

Just you wait!


I think I will start giving most attention to this series, since I don't get much feedback from the others, I just hope you all enjoy!

Flowers don't cryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora