C15 - Mr Dr Stark Iron Man Sir

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Lily almost melted looking at the doe-eyed kid in front of her. "Thank you ma'am. First step is security, right? Any special row or something?" He looked at her expectantly.

"Any except the last one, that row is for people who need an extra thorough security check for whatever reason. It wouldn't have been a big deal if you went through there, but it would just take twice as long." She said, winking.

"Great, awesome, thanks. Uhhh. I hope you have an amazing day!"

"You too Peter, you too." She said, chuckling. As soon as Peter was out of earshot, or so she thought, she turned to her Giselle. "Can I adopt him."

"Preeeeeeetty sure his parents would need to give consent for that. And look at him, they wouldn't."

"Shame. He would've loved the kitten I just adopted."

"You did what now? Lily!"

Peter chuckled a little. These were the moments he was glad for his super hearing. Now he had to focus on the person in front of him though.

"Place your bag on the machine, cell phone and other electronica that transmit signals and such too. Then, scan your badge and please step through the scanner and hope it doesn't go off." The security guard said.

Peter did as he was told and started unloading. Bag, phone, Smart watch... that's it right? He patted down all his pockets, checking whether he was forgetting something.... Nope. He took a deep breath, scanned his badge, stepped through the scanner and....

"Peter Parker, temporary access for a meeting. Welcome Peter." A voice said, coming from the security machine.

"Thank you... FRIDAY?"

The security guard nodded, and the voice responded. "That is correct. I'd suggest walking straight to the elevators, and I will take you to the relevant floor."

The security guard did a small whistle. "Nice job, kid. She likes ya."

Peter took a look at his badge, Kenny was his name . "I guess, if you say so? Thanks for the help, Kenny. Have a nice day and hopefully see you soon."

"My shift doesn't end for another couple of hours, if you can see me, come tell me how it went, will ya?"

"Sure thing, Kenny!"

The boy went on his way, leaving a smile on the faces of everyone he met.


Flash didn't think he fully realized how humbling the experience of becoming homeless would be. When the idea of him being kicked out initially crossed his mind, he would've thought he could handle it easily. He would find a way to become king of the playground so to say. He had done it before, school, sports, everywhere he went he became well known. Liked by some, feared by others. But actually becoming homeless...

Flash had failed to realize that in those other places he either was at the same playing ground as others, or he could get there. If the others were in the top league soccer team, his parents would hire a personal trainer so he could join it too, as well as throw some money at the coach to make him that much more inclined to agree. School, he joined the teams, hosted a party and people liked him. And there people didn't usually know each other yet, everyone was a freshman joining an elite school. Here, he was the new kid, no way to level the playing field and no extraordinary qualities.

Here he was the kid who just needed to tell his parents he was gay, he couldn't just suck it up, wait a few years so mommy and daddy could pay for his college, apartment and car. He would have been set, but no. Them knowing he liked boys was apparently more important.

Behind a Smileحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن