C15 - Mr Dr Stark Iron Man Sir

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Peter arrives at Stark Tower
Flash gets to thinking when he is alone in the Pepper Potts Foundation
Peter meets Tony Stark
An explosion happens and someone's PTSD gets triggered.

TW: explosion, implied flashback, implied dissociation. All after peter's spidey senses scream danger till end of chapter.
(Tell me if I missed any because this chapter was written in so many parts)

Hello... I am alive. I have a chapter. Enjoy ;)

It was the next day after school that he went over to Stark Tower. He decided that he wanted to get there as soon as possible, so he swung over there, and changed on a rooftop nearby.

As Peter enters Stark Tower he just stops. He just stands there in the middle of the walkway. How could he not, he was just so overwhelmed. As soon as the doors opened a cacophony of sounds could be heard. It was ordered, streamlined, some might even say calm but it was full of energy at the same time. Like when you get in the flow, and you have never felt less stressed but the energy coursing through your body keeping you going is almost too much to keep up with. That is what the entry of Stark Tower embodied. And with that just being the entryway, imagine what the actual offices and labs of the tower would feel like. It was like his brain short-circuited, trying to take it all in. As he felt multiple people squeezing past him, he realized that he was standing in the way and continued on. Stepping to the side to see where he needed to go, he quickly spotted where everything was. With that he was able to continue his journey.

He had to stand in line for a little bit, there were quite a few people who needed to talk to the receptionists. He didn't mind, it gave him more time to admire the beauty that was going on around him. The beauty in the architecture, how everything just seemed to fit together. The combination of high tech, revolutionary aids to the tower along with the living room feel that was the waiting areas and reception. The security was high tech and almost futuristic. But somehow it managed to not be a big contrast to the homey feel that was the rest of the floor.

Peter was distracted observing a school tour passing by when a voice called out to him. "What can I help you with?" In front of him was the receptionist. She had an infectious smile and looked at him expectantly. Her name-tag said her name was Lily, and she used she/her pronouns. There were also a bunch of flags under there, presumably languages she spoke.

"Hi... ummm. I'm Peter, Peter Parker. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm here because of the internship? I made an appointment yesterday on the phone." He said, or rather asked. He hoped he was in the right place here, otherwise it would've been embarrassing.

The person next to Lily piped up. "Hey Peter, you spoke with me on the phone. Good to see you didn't wear that stained engineering sweater." She said, chuckling a little and smiling sweetly. He looked at her with a big grin and nodded.

Meanwhile Lily was scrolling through some text on her computer. "Peter. Peter.... Peter! Alright, let me just print your access card. This card will give you access to where you'll need to be for now, as long with things such as bathrooms and such. It needs to be on your person at all times, preferably visible especially as someone who isn't known around the tower. It will be upgraded to a permanent access card if you are given the internship." She started flipping through a set of printed files. "In here is everything you need for today. A map, the location of your meeting and some additional interesting locations such as where you can get free drinks and snacks. You are a tad early, nothing wrong with that but it gives you time to go to these places instead of needing to rush to the meeting room. Once you enter the waiting room for the meeting your badge will have checked in and people will know you are there so try to grab a drink and go to the toilet before sitting down." She looked through a little post it note on her screen titled Internship. "Oh, right. If there is anything else you need, just ask FRIDAY. She is the AI that runs through the building and is available to anyone. For the rest, good luck with your interview, I'm rooting for you kid."

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