C9 - New Beginnings

128 8 2

Tw - Homophobia, depressive episode, mentions of relapse and alcohol. These will all be indicated with trigger warnings with a summary at the end.

It was finally happening, the moment they had been working towards. It was time for the opening of the first shelters run by the Pepper Potts Foundation. Pepper already knew the entire schedule by heart. The press event was starting in just under ten minutes, where they would give the complete details about the shelters and the foundation itself.

After that, the shelters would be opened and everyone was able to walk in and take a look around. Pepper would be busy answering press questions first, but after that, she would visit all the shelters and talk with the people there to get their first thoughts and meet some of the people the foundation would be helping. She was really looking forward to that.

Finally, the shelters would be cleared out and only those who would be staying the night would remain. The staff would have a sit together with the residents and inform them of where they could find any relevant supplies. Whether that was a binder, toothpaste, or a phone to call friends to say they were safe.

But something that Pepper was also looking forward to was a small surprise she had for the people that she invited off the streets to stay at Stark Towers. After talking with the people that they were sharing a room with, and looking at the current occupancy percentage of the tower, she realized that there was no need to send them towards one of the shelters. They could stay at the tower, as long as they didn't cause any trouble. If they wanted, they could even earn some money with small jobs around the tower.

According to Pepper's reasoning, today was going to be a good day.


Official Stark Industries @StarkIndustries

It is with great pride that we are able to announce the official opening of the Pepper Potts Foundation first shelters. Everyone who needs it or who would like to know more about it is welcome to just walk in.

+-+ TW - Homophobia +-+

Closeted Gay @speedwalker

Alright people, here it goes. With the new shelters as my safety net, I am risking everything. I am going to come out to my parents. Wish me luck, I'll keep you updated.

| Closeted Gay @speedwalker

I just sent them a message telling them to meet me in the living room, as I needed to share something with them. I am shaking. But on the other hand, I have already lost my friends, my parents are just an added bonus. Not like I could count on them for support anyway.

|| Closeted Gay @speedwalker

I guess it's a good thing the shelters are there and I packed my go-bag. More later.

||| Closeted Gay @speedwalker

I have arrived at a shelter safely. Basically, I sat them down and told them I am gay. My mother immediately just started bawling her eyes out. My father didn't even say a word, just pointed at the door. I knew enough.

|||| Closeted Gay @speedwalker

It wasn't honestly that surprising. They always said that no child of them would be gay. If they were they wouldn't be part of the family anymore, simple as that. No roof, no money, no nothing would be provided by them anymore.

||||| Homeless Gay @speedwalker

I guess that's all for today. Surprise, it was also time for a username change

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